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The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs Remember: 1.There are three types of infinitives: -ar, -er, - ir 2.Infinitives in Spanish are made up.

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Presentation on theme: "The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs Remember: 1.There are three types of infinitives: -ar, -er, - ir 2.Infinitives in Spanish are made up."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs Remember: 1.There are three types of infinitives: -ar, -er, - ir 2.Infinitives in Spanish are made up of two parts: the ending and the stem. CAMINAR STEM ENDING

2 The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs Remember: 3.With regular verbs, the stem stays the same, and the ending changes as the are conjugated : CAMINAR YoCamin-o TúCamin-as Ud., él, ellaCamin-a NosotrosCamin-amos VosotrosCamin-aís Uds.,ellos, ellasCamin-an

3 The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verb s However, there is a large group of verbs that changes their stem when conjugated in the present tense. Those verbs are called Stem-Changing Verbs. There are three groups of stem-changing verbs: o  ue, e  ie, e  i

4 The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs The change occurs only in the first and second person singular and third person singular and plural. When a line is drawn around the forms that change, it looks like a boot shape; therefore, these verbs are sometimes informally called “boot” or “shoe” verbs.

5 The Present Tense of Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs Let´s use Mostrar (to show) as an example: Changing o  ue Mostrar YomuestroNosotrosmostramos TúmuestrasVosotrosmostráis Ud.,él,ellamuestraUds.,ellos, ellasmuestran

6 The u→ue and o→ue verbs work the same way. Poder Jugar Dormir Soñar Volver Devolver to be able to (can) to play to sleep to dream to return (to a place) to return (a thing)

7 Los verbos que cambian o→ue (verbs that change o  ue) Almorzar Morir Volar Contar To have lunch To die To fly To count / to tell (a story)

8 Los verbos que cambian o→ue (verbs that change o  to ue) Encontrar Resolver Mostrar Costar To meet / To encounter To resolve To show To cost * Costar is normally used only in the third persons.

9 How do these verbs work?

10 First, find the o or u in the stem that is going to change P o der Jugar D o rmir S o ñar V o lver Dev o lver

11 Then, decide which verb endings you will use. For jugar: o as a amos an For poder: o es e emos en

12 Then change it in the boot Jugar (to play) j__gjug j__gjug j___gj__g o as o amos an ue áis

13 Poder (to be able to) p__dpod p__dpod p__d o es e emos en ue éis


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