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1) How big was the social impact of the Great Terror? Massive! It shattered families, ruined careers and forced people to disown their past.

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Presentation on theme: "1) How big was the social impact of the Great Terror? Massive! It shattered families, ruined careers and forced people to disown their past."— Presentation transcript:


2 1) How big was the social impact of the Great Terror? Massive! It shattered families, ruined careers and forced people to disown their past

3 2) What percentage of adult males were shot or sent to a labour camps? 10%

4 3) What happened to the families of those arrested? Wives lost their jobs, older children were expelled from university and younger children were humiliated in schools

5 4) What happened in the local regions of Russia? Show trials were replicated- local leaders were replaced by younger, more loyal supporters.

6 5) How did some people escape the terror? Create a new identity and entire family history

7 6) What happened to the economy during the Great Terror? Caused economic havoc- growth slowed dramatically

8 7) Why? (2) 1.People lied about statistics/facts to protect themselves 2.Trained workers, managers and planners were purged, leaving a shortage of skilled workers

9 8) What political purpose did the Great Terror serve? Discovered those who opposed Stalin Provided scapegoats for popular discontent

10 9) What was Stalins position after the Great Terror? Stronger than ever! All threats were removed, and his failures were blamed on others.

11 10) How did Terror change during the Second World War? Give an example of this. Purged those who hampered the war effort. E.g. the military intelligence who failed to alert him to Germanys plans to invade Russia in 1941.

12 11) What happened to Prisoners of War who returned to Russia when the war ended? They were exiled as traitors, to labour camps in Siberia.

13 12) Who was Stalins final purge against? The Doctors who told him he needed to reduce his workload to cure his ill-health.

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