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Title and Date in your books Financial vs Non- financial Objectives What is an objective? What does “Financial” mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Title and Date in your books Financial vs Non- financial Objectives What is an objective? What does “Financial” mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title and Date in your books Financial vs Non- financial Objectives What is an objective? What does “Financial” mean?

2 NO IDEA I NEED HELP NEVER HEARD OF IT OK I CAN DO THIS WITH SUPPORT SOME GUIDANCE NEEDED NEARLY AT MY TARGET GOT IT! VERY CONFIDENT WILL HIT MY TARGET GRADE EXCEED TARGET Success Criteria < CDescribe Financial Objectives and Non-Financial Objectives State examples from each objective C > Most will be able to compare the difference B >Some will be able to evaluate these in a business context (cooperative bank) A >QOWC and SPAG LEARNING OBJECTIVES Investigate the differences between Financial Objectives Vs Non-Financial Objectives

3 Objectives: Steps and targets to achieve in order to meet overall aim/goal. Financial Objectives: targets expressed in money terms such as making profit, earning income or building wealth Key Terms

4 Survival Wealth Financial Security Growth Financial Objectives Write an example of what that might include after each statement

5 Financial TV choice ao ao o8M o8M What might NON FINANCIAL objectives include?

6 Personal satisfaction Challenge Independence and control Helping others Non-Financial Objectives Write an example of what that might include after each statement

7 d2g d2g Cooperative bank non financial objectives SMSC

8 Task – Cooperative bank objectives What do you think the co-operative banks financial objectives might be? List 3 non-financial objectives of the cooperative bank. Focusing on 1 objective, why might the bank have this? Do you agree? Do you think co-operative bank are right to support these issues? (Good business sense?) SMSC

9 Joe Smith has recently set up in business on his own as a plumber. Which two of the following would be his financial objectives? A) Job Creation B) Earning more than previous job C) As a result of a dare D) Being in control of his hours of work E) Using profits to fund a pension F) To keep his family happy Exam Style Question

10 Joe Smith has recently set up in business on his own as a plumber. Which two of the following would be his financial objectives? A) Job Creation B) Earning more than previous job C) As a result of a dare D) Being in control of his hours of work E) Using profits to fund a pension F) To keep his family happy

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