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Voluntary Muscles (skeletal) Names of Muscles

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Presentation on theme: "Voluntary Muscles (skeletal) Names of Muscles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Voluntary Muscles (skeletal) Names of Muscles
Deltoid Biceps Abdominals Quadriceps Pectoral Latissimus Dorsi Trapezius Triceps Gluteals Hamstrings Gastrocnemius

2 Three types of muscles. Cardiac
This muscle is only found in the walls of the heart. They contract and relax the heart continuously to pump blood through it, without conscious effort from you.

3 Involuntary Muscles - smooth
These are the muscles around organs such as the intestines and blood vessels. Like the cardiac muscles, they work without conscious effort from you.

4 Voluntary Muscles - skeletal
These muscles are attached to the skeleton and are under your control.

5 Different types of joints

6 Antagonist & Agonist Muscles can only pull. To make a joint move in two directions, you need two muscles that can pull in opposite directions. Antagonistic muscles are pairs of muscles that work against each other. One muscle contracts (agonist, or prime mover) while the other one relaxes (antagonist) and vice versa.

7 _______________tendon
forearm is lowered

8 Origin & Insertion Muscles are attached to two different bones by tendons. When the muscle contracts only one bone moves. The place where the muscle is attached to the stationary bone is called the Origin. The place where the muscle is attached to the moving bone is called the Insertion. Origin FLEXION Insertion

9 ___origin _____ tendon
___insertion___ tendon ___origin______ tendon ___insertion____ tendon forearm is lowered

10 Synergists Any other muscle which helps the prime mover to cause a movement is a Synergist. An example of this is when bending the arm at the elbow, the synergist would be the brachialis muscle in the forearm.

11 Agonist and Antagonist Muscles
Preparing to kick a ball Kicking a football Abduction of the arm from the side of your body Bicep curl

12 For the following movements give the agonist and antagonist
Questions For the following movements give the agonist and antagonist Bicep Curl a) Preparing to kick a ball b) Kicking a football c) Abduction of the arm from the side of your body d) Bicep curl

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