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The present simple tense & the present continuous tense: exercises

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1 The present simple tense & the present continuous tense: exercises
Dragana Filipović

2 1.Put the verb into the correct form.
I ______ for Chris. Do you know where he is? (look) The things are not so good at work. The company ______ money. (lose) Let’s go out now. It _________ any more. (not rain) You can turn off the radio. I _______ to it. (not listen) I ________ tired. I need a rest. (get) Joe ________ this week. He’s on holiday. (not work) Your English __________ better. (get) The company I work for _________ so well this year. (not do)

3 Let’s check the answers.
I am looking for Chris. Do you know where he is? The things are not so good at work. The company is losing money. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more. You can turn off the radio. I am not listening to it. I am getting tired. I need a rest. Joe isn’t working this week. He’s on holiday. Your English is getting better. The company I work for isn’t doing so well this year.

4 2.Put the verb into the correct form.
Ann _____ tea very often. (not drink) What time ________________ (the banks / open) here? My parents _______ in a very small flat. (live) The Olympic Games _______ place every 4 years. (take) Vegetarians _______ meat. (not eat) Alex isn’t very fit. He _________ any sport. (not do) “Where ______ (Gavin / come) from?” “He’s Scottish.” Bad driving ________ many accidents. (cause)

5 Let’s check the answers.
Ann doesn’t drink tea very often. What time do the banks open here? My parents live in a very small flat. The Olympic Games take place every 4 years. Vegetarians do not eat meat. (do not = don’t) Alex isn’t very fit. He doesn’t do any sport. “Where does Gavin come from?” “He’s Scottish.” Bad driving causes many accidents.

6 Find the mistakes and correct them.
EXAMPLES: Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.  The water boils. Can you turn it off? is boiling

7 Find the mistakes and correct them.
Look! The man tries to open the door of your car. The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days. I must go now. It gets late. I usually go to work by car. Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? “Hurry up! It’s time to leave.” “OK, I come.” It doesn’t rain very much in summer. Peter is never late. He’s always getting to lectures on time.

8 Let’s check the mistakes.
Look! The man tries to open the door of your car. is trying The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.  I must go now. It gets late. is getting I usually go to work by car.  Can you hear those people? What do they talk about? are they talking “Hurry up! It’s time to leave.” “OK, I come.” am coming It doesn’t rain very much in summer.  Peter is never late. He’s always getting to lectures on time. He always gets

9 Express annoyance or dissatisfaction
Express annoyance or dissatisfaction. Use always –ing (Present Continuous). A: I’ve lost my key again. B: Not again! You ____________ your key. A: The car has broken down again. B: The car is useless. It ______________ down. A: Look! You’ve made the same mistake again. B: Oh no, not again! I ___________ the same mistake.

10 Answers A: I’ve lost my key again.
B: Not again! You are always losing your key. A: The car has broken down again. B: The car is useless. It is always breaking down. A: Look! You’ve made the same mistake again. B: Oh no, not again! I am always making the same mistake.

11 Put the verb into the correct form.
Sarah is very good at languages. She _____ (speak) four languages very well. Hurry up! Everybody ______ (wait) for you. The River Nile ____ (flow) into the Mediterranean. Taylor is in Belgrade at the moment. He _____ (stay) at the Park Hotel. “What ________ (your brother / do)?” “He’s an architect, but he _______ (not / work) at the moment.

12 Answers Sarah is very good at languages. She speaks four languages very well. Hurry up! Everybody is waiting for you. The River Nile flows into the Mediterranean. Taylor is in Belgrade at the moment. He is staying at the Park Hotel. “What does your brother do?” “He’s an architect, but he isn’t working at the moment.

13 That’s all folks! The End 

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