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Telephone techniques.

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1 Telephone techniques

2 OBJECTIVES Students should be able to:
Identify the guidelines for handling telephone calls. Discuss the proper telephone techniques for answering telephone calls. Use the proper telephone techniques for answering telephone calls.


4 When you answer the phone, start with a greeting
When you answer the phone, start with a greeting. This is polite and will make the caller feel at ease. Sit up straight and smile when you are talking. This helps brighten your tone of voice.

5 Do not eat or drink while on the phone: it will be obvious to the caller from the noises you are making and that you are not giving them your full attention. Speak clearly and in short sentences, so that the caller has a chance to respond regularly to what you are saying. Do not ramble on about insignificant details.

6 Never interrupt the caller.
Always have a note pad and pen near your phone to write down important points during the conversation. Write down the caller’s name at the earliest opportunity, so that you can address them personally as you speak.

7 If you do not have the information the caller needs, then you need to find it out. If it will take too long it is better to take the caller’s name and number and return the call with the information. Taking the time to get the information for your callers is essential for good, quality customer service.


9 Pick up the telephone within three (3) rings
Pick up the telephone within three (3) rings. This shows that you are attentive and responsive to incoming calls, and gives a good impression of your company. RING RING RING

10 ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good afternoon’.
Greet the caller. Example: ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good afternoon’. GOOD MORNING

11 “Babonneau Secondary School”
Identify the company you work for. “Babonneau Secondary School” or “Courts St. Lucia Ltd.”

12 “How may I direct your call?”
Give your name. Ask the caller if you can help them. Example: “How may I help you?” or “How may I direct your call?”

13 Example: Good morning Babonneau Secondary School Miss Roxanne Snyder speaking How may I help you?


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