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Leadership Development Plan of Gary Martindale at Fox and Hound Restaurant Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Development Plan of Gary Martindale at Fox and Hound Restaurant Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Development Plan of Gary Martindale at Fox and Hound Restaurant Group

2  Current style of leadership I use most often  Strong focus on people  Builds morale through praise  Can lead to high amounts of teamwork  Can lead to a lack of discipline  Very little coaching occurs  Development of future leaders stalls  (Goldman, 2000)

3  Need to use adapt style of leadership to needs of the employees  Continue to utilize affiliative  Utilize Coaching, Pacesetting, and Authoritative as necessary  (Blanchard, Zigarmi, and Zigarmi, 1985)

4  Hierarchy of organization is needed for accountability purposes  Hierarchy can limit flow of ideas  Need to allow ideas to be raised from all parts of the company  Utilize the diverse workforce to achieve a strategic advantage  GE under Jack Welch  (Tichy and Sherman, 1993)

5  Annual Performance Evaluations  Progressive Discipline System  Management Team Members Have One on One conversations Monthly

6  Performance Evaluations  Change to Quarterly instead of annual  Utilize 360 degree feedback Supervisor Peer Customer Self Subordinates (if applicable)

7  Monthly One on One Conversations  Add time for goal setting  Review goals from previous month  Begin having the one on one conversations with all employees rather than just managers  Communicate Guest Feedback Daily  Begin Sharing Restaurant Goals and Results With All Employees

8  Assess the Current Capabilities  Performance Evaluations  360 degree feedback  Customer feedback  Challenge to Develop  Set challenging goals during the goal setting  Pull out of comfort zone

9  Support  Set up a mentorship program for new management positions  Ensure that monthly one on one converstaions have allotted time to discuss the employee’s frustration level  Offer performance feedback and coaching daily  (Van Velsor, McCauley, Ruderman, 2010)

10  Utilize the Assesment, Challenge, and Support Model Develop Teams  Develop Individual Development Plans for Team Leaders to Focus on Providing DAC  Direction (Vision of what is to be accomplished)  Alignment (Strategy of how to accomplish)  Commitment (Gaining the buy in of employees)

11  Educate Team that Conflict is not Necessarily Bad  Conflict can lead to better ideas  Some conflict will occur where diversity occurs  Tolerance is key to handle  Open Door Policy  Employees should feel free to express concern about intolerance  Concerns should be confidential

12  Change can be scary  Many people are set in their ways  Unknown situation leads to unknown results  Leaders must establish DAC  Leader must decide what good performance will look like for the team (Direction)  Leader must decide the course to achieve this outcome (Alignment)  Leader must communicate to team to alleviate fears of change (Commitment)

13  Leadership needs to be open with followers  Communicating with team will lead to a commitment to changes

14  Adaptive leadership style is key  Cannot rely on only one style of leadership  Different employees require different style  Move to a Boundaryless Organization  It should not matter where ideas come from  Development of Employees and Future Leaders  Assessment  Challenge  Support

15  Utilize DAC to develop teams and lead change  Direction (vision)  Alignment (strategy)  Commitment (team buy-in)  Conflict is good  Must be kept productive  Utilize diversity  Communicate with team  Ensure they know that we are on their side

16  Blanchard, K., Zigarmi, P., & Zigarmi, D. (1985). Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness through Situational Leadership. New York, NY: HarperCollins.  Goldman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review. pp. 1-16.  Trichy, N. M. and Sherman, S. (1993, June). Walking the Talk at GE. Training and Development 47 (6). p. 26.  Van Velsor, E., McCauley, C. D., & Ruderman, M. N. (2010). Handbook of Leadership Development (3 rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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