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What is Imperialism?. Imperialism: conquering other lands to increase your power Building your “empire” Roman Empire British Empire Aztec Empire Japanese.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Imperialism?. Imperialism: conquering other lands to increase your power Building your “empire” Roman Empire British Empire Aztec Empire Japanese."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Imperialism?

2 Imperialism: conquering other lands to increase your power Building your “empire” Roman Empire British Empire Aztec Empire Japanese Empire Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Empire State building

3 Why take over other countries?

4 Reasons for Imperialism 1. get resources 2. have markets to sell your stuff 3. competition- have more colonies (bases) than your enemies 4. Bases - ships need places to resupply 5. spread your “superior culture” to the world




8 “I contend that we Britons are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race... If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible.... The Story of Africa. BBC World Service. Retrieved on 2009-06-13.The Story of AfricaBBC World Service



11 White Man’s Burden That it was the “white man’s burden” to take his superior culture to the less developed

12 Black Man’s Burden Pile on the Black Man’s Burden. 'Tis nearest at your door; Why heed long bleeding Cuba, or dark Hawaii’s shore? Hail ye your fearless armies, Which menace feeble folks Who fight with clubs and arrows and brook your rifle’s smoke. Pile on the Black Man’s Burden His wail with laughter drown You’ve sealed the Red Man’s problem, And will take up the Brown, In vain ye seek to end it, With bullets, blood or death Better by far defend it With honor’s holy breath. Source: H.T. Johnson, “The Black Man’s Burden,” Voice of Missions, VII (Atlanta: April 1899), 1. Reprinted in Willard B. Gatewood, Jr.,Black Americans and the White Man’s Burden, 1898–1903 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press), 1975, 183–184.


14 Imperialism Why is this beautiful waterfall in Africa named Victoria Falls (after a British queen) instead of its traditional Zulu name Mosi Au Tunya?


16 Imperialism Colonization: sending people from your country to set up colonies in other lands to set up trading posts to eventually get resources IMPERIALISM = Empire building: taking control of weaker countries to get their natural resources (i.e. gold, silver, oil, timber, rubber, etc.) and make them part of “your Empire” “The sun never sets on the British Empire”






22 Berlin Conference 1884 A conference of 14 European Nations in Berlin, Germany to discuss dividing Africa between them

23 NO Africans were invited!

24 Finish these sentences: Europeans colonized places because they wanted _____________ The European belief of “ Social Darwinism” was__________________ Something positive about Imperialism was _____________________ Something negative about Imperialism was__________________

25 Africa before Imperialism Africa had thousands of tribes and ethnicities and a rich cultural heritage There were powerful kingdoms, a vast trade network and the gold - rich empires of Ghana, Songhay, and Timbuktu Europeans first made contact with the Africans in the 1400’s but powerful African armies kept them out of the interior of Africa Europeans could only set up trading colonies on the coasts – places that became known as “The Slave Coast, The Gold Coast and Cote d’ Ivore (Ivory Coast)

26 European Technology helps force Africa’s door open With the invention of the steamboat Europeans were now able to make their way upstream and into the interior of Africa Furthermore, new drugs like quinine helped Europeans cope with diseases like malaria that had long kept many Europeans out of Africa The invention of the repeating rifle gave Europeans the military advantage to defeat large African armies

27 So why did the Europeans do such things? Mercantilism: an economic policy where a European country gains power by getting gold, silver and other goods from their colonies so they don’t have to spend money from their own treasuries Also, colonies were a representation of a nation’s power – the more colonies in your empire - the more macho you were Later as the Industrial Revolution took off Europeans needed natural resources (Egypt had cotton – Singapore had rubber – and South Africa had Gold and Diamonds!!!!!!) But more importantly, these colonized areas had BUYERS!!!!!! Millions of people to buy your country’s manufactured goods (England had a population of 30 million – India had 250 million! That’s 250 million Indians buying your stuff $$$$$$$) A racist theory during this period (Social Darwinism) taught that whites were the highest evolved race and it was the “white man’s burden” to take his technology and civilized ways to all the underdeveloped and “savage” people of the world

28 So what were the Europeans’ methods? At first Europeans sent doctors, teachers and missionaries to African countries to help them and teach them how to read Later, after making deals with certain chiefs, the Europeans were allowed to get at some of the mining areas Before long Europeans had decent-sized ports in many African countries. Bridges, railways and telegraph wires began to be built along with schools, hospitals and stores. Many Africans were seduced by European $$$ and began to grow cash crops like cotton, indigo and palm oil so that they could buy European goods in new stores

29 White Guys fighting over Africa As European nations saw other Europeans making money in Africa they thought “Hey, I want a piece of that pie” - so they also began sending their own people to Africa Britain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy all were taking land in Africa It got so bad that the Europeans called a huge conference in Berlin, Germany called the Berlin Conference to talk about conflicts in Africa and …… 0 (zero) Africans were invited!

30 Africans fight back Africans were no dummies – they knew that they were losing their countries so conflicts between Europeans and African tribes broke out However, the Europeans were not dumb either – the common European strategy in the conflicts was to pit certain tribes who were traditional enemies against each other Yes, the Europeans had guns and most Africans only had spears and bows and arrows, but if the Europeans gave those guns to tribes that they had alliances with then the Europeans could control the country Once the fighting was over and the two sides came to the peace table to talk the Europeans would negotiate control over lands and “assume” power Overtime, the Europeans became the police, they wrote the laws, and set up the government of the entire country

31 Effects of Imperialism 1. Africans lost their land and were controlled by someone else 2. Africans were killed or imprisoned for resisting European rule 3. Many Africans lost their culture as they attended European schools and adopted the clothing, food and culture of Europe 4. Food shortages and soil erosion due to growing cash crops (cotton and indigo) instead of food crops (yams, wheat, corn, rice) Africans started buying European food 5. Un-natural borders were drawn by Europeans creating wars and splitting tribes 6. Major corruption as some African leaders sold mineral/resource access to Europeans Possible benefits of Imperialism: Africans gained some technology like electricity (in some areas) and railroads. Also European medicine helped some

32 Look at the 6 results and then simplify them into a short phrase Example: Results of Imperialism: 1. lost their land 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

33 6. South Africa was the final country to end white rule and apartheid Nelson Mandela was an organizer of blacks to overthrow white rule He was jailed for 27 years and finally released in 1990 South Africa finally gave blacks the right to vote in 1992 They chose Mandela for president Apartheid ended in 1992

34 Effects of Imperialism Negatives:

35 Effects of Imperialism Positives: Reduced tribal warfare because Europeans were like the police Africans learn to read Outside money came into the country as result of mining and cash crops African countries gained technology (i.e.: railways, electricity, dams, bridges, telegraphs, etc.) Negatives: Africans were ruled by the Europeans Many Africans were killed or imprisoned for resisting European rule Africans lost their culture and traditional way of life as they began using European money system and focusing on material manufactured products A system was set that encouraged Africans to lose own culture and adopt language and culture of Europeans to get ahead Food shortages and soil erosion due to growing cash crops (cotton and indigo) instead of food crops (yams, wheat, corn, rice) Artificial boundaries drawn by Europeans created many problems because they often split traditional tribal groups and their homelands Many civil wars and tribal conflicts Major corruption as many African leaders sought to benefit themselves financially by selling out to European business interests

36 2. Africa is mineral rich but much corruption keeps the wealth in the hands of a few

37 3. AFRICA hasn’t always been ‘underdeveloped’ Before the Europeans took over - Africa had: Strong organized Kingdoms (Timbuktu, Ghana, Sonhai) Vast trade networks Libraries, Islamic learning centers Tool-making, copper, iron and terra cotta Agriculture and herding

38 4. What has been traded in West Africa for centuries? Gold, Diamonds, Slaves and salt

39 Islam Muhammad Arabia Medina Mecca Ka’aba Mosque Qur’an Sunni/Shiite The 5 Pillars *Faith *Prayer *Alms (charity) *Fasting (Ramadan) *Hajj (pilgrimage) Jihad “duty”

40 IMPERIALISM : Europeans taking control of foreign countries: Eventually European countries colonized and then took over almost every country in Africa

41 Apartheid Laws set up by the European governments that aimed at keeping the races separated and the Africans powerless African countries where whites made up 10% of the population but they ruled blacks who made up 90% of the population

42 6. South Africa was the final country to end white rule and apartheid Nelson Mandela was an organizer of blacks to overthrow white rule He was jailed for 27 years and finally released in 1990 South Africa finally gave blacks the right to vote in 1992 They chose Mandela for president Apartheid ended in 1992

43 8. Other issues plaguing Africa Famine and drought (lack of food, no water) Civil War in many places Child soldiers Genocide in Darfur region of Sudan Pirates in Somalia

44 Suez Canal



47 INDIA – The crown jewel of Britain’s empire

48 Sepoy Mutiny(rebellion) The Mutiny(rebellion) came about as a result of the lubrication means of the bullets that were used in Sepoy’s rifles The bullets were greased with lard (animal fat) and the soldiers thought that the British were trying to get the Hindus and Muslims to defile themselves so that they would have to leave their religion and become Christians It took the British over a year to get India back under control. Many British troops were sent to put down the rebellion and the British assumed strict control of much of India as a result


50 After the rebellion was put down – Great Britain not the East India Company ruled India

51 Imperialism SE Asia

52 Muslim sailors had established trading posts with places in SE Asia centuries before the Europeans which helps explain why Islam is the predominant religion in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia

53 Imperialism in China China and Japan had ‘closed doors’ to the Europeans China was smart – they saw what the Europeans were doing and they weren’t going to let that happen to them –Middle Kingdom (we don’t need no stinking white people) –Rice, potatoes, corn, peanuts, wheat Salt, tin, silver, iron, silk, porcelain Britain’s Doorway into China –Opium for tea –Opium war –Treaty of Nanjing – Hong Kong – Christianity Everyone else’s door into China –floods, famine, corruption, Taiping rebellion –Beating up China – negotiating “spheres of influence” 1899 U.S. negotiates “open door policy” Boxer Rebellion –“Christian foreign devils” –Society of harmonious fists –The whole gang (Britain, France, German, Russia, Americans, Japan)

54 Opium A derivitive of the poppy plant (heroin) that was smoked through a pipe and became highly addictive Its use was outlawed in many European countries because people get “hooked” so easily Many western towns in America (including Tombstone) had “opium dens”

55 Britain and France won the Opium Wars The Treaty of Nanjing was signed The Treaty Guaranteed: 1. Britain total control of Hong Kong 2. Sphere of Influence to France and Portugal 3. Allow Christian missionaries to spread Christianity in China 4. Extraterritoriality granted to British citizens living in China (Extraterritoriality guaranteed that European citizens in China were only subject to the laws of their own nation and could only be tried by their own courts)

56 Sphere of Influence : a region where a foreign power controls all the trade and rules

57 “Boxers” (society of harmonious fists) of the ‘ Boxer Rebellion’ Chinese nationalists who formed secret societies of warriors to fight against the culture of the “foreign devils”


59 Commodore Perry opens Japan Reasons to open up: Realized that it was time to modernize

60 Use pages 706-709 to answer these questions on the back of your sheets 1.What things are grown in SE Asia that the Europeans wanted? 2.Where did the Dutch colonize? 3.Who colonized Singapore and Malaysia? 4.What countries made up French Indochina? 5.List 3 important things about Siam (Thailand) and Imperialism 6.What happened in the Philippines? 7.How did Hawaii get taken?

61 Finish these sentences: The Sepoy Mutiny (rebellion) was _____ _________ in SE ASIA was colonized by ________________ China during the time of Imperialism _____________ Opium____________ A sphere of Influence ____________ The Boxer Rebellion ____________ An example of Modern Imperialism is __

62 Modern Imperialism

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