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TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE On your post-it note, write down two truths about yourself, and one lie. As a class, we are going to try and figure out what is the.

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Presentation on theme: "TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE On your post-it note, write down two truths about yourself, and one lie. As a class, we are going to try and figure out what is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE On your post-it note, write down two truths about yourself, and one lie. As a class, we are going to try and figure out what is the truth and what is the lie. They should all sound like something that could be true, or they should all sound like something that could be a lie.


3 ENTERING THE CLASSROOM: Please enter the classroom QUIETLY. Do not hang around the DOOR and block it for other students to come in. Please go right to your seat and begin working on the warm-up.

4 GETTING TO WORK: Your warm-up and the day’s schedule will be posted on the FRONT BOARD. Please complete your warm-up quietly. Have your homework out on your desk, ready to be checked. When you are done your warm-up, please PREPARE yourself for the rest of the period.

5 COMING INTO CLASS LATE: You MUST have a PASS. Come in quietly, sit down, and put your pass out on your desk. I will come get it and catch you up to what we are working on.

6 END OF CLASS DISMISSAL: I dismiss you, not the BELL. Do not pack up your belongings or get out of your seat until I give PERMISSION. Do not wait at the door.

7 PARTICIPATING IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS: Whenever you wish to speak in class, whether it is to COMMENT or ask a question, please RAISE your hand. When I call on you, you may speak.

8 COMING TO ATTENTION: When I call for the class’s attention, please bring your EYES to me, stop talking, and put your pen or pencil down. Let me know that you are listening!

9 WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT: The first thing you should do is check my TEACHER SITE or call a friend. When you come back to school, all work missed will be posted on the calendar in the classroom. If you have any questions, please come see me.

10 KNOWING THE SCHEDULE: The schedule for the period will be posted on the FRONT BOARD for each day. You will know exactly what we are doing each day you walk into the classroom.

11 MOVING ABOUT THE ROOM: When you need to go to the BATHROOM, use the PENCIL SHARPENER, or THROW SOMETHING OUT, you must raise your hand and ask before getting up and walking around the room. I may have you wait until we have a BREAK in our lesson.

12 SCHOOL-WIDE ANNOUNCEMENT: During any announcement that comes over the SPEAKER during class, you must stop what you are doing and remain quiet so that we all may hear.

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