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WRITE TOPIC AND AIM ON THE BACK OF THE NOTES SHEET TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/11/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW:

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Presentation on theme: "WRITE TOPIC AND AIM ON THE BACK OF THE NOTES SHEET TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/11/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW:"— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITE TOPIC AND AIM ON THE BACK OF THE NOTES SHEET TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/11/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW: Use the diagram and accompanying information to answer questions 1-5, 8-10.


3 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions Directions: Observe the diagram of the respiratory system and read the information about the respiratory system and its structures. Use textual evidence to answer the following questions. 1. Define the term inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation). Inhalation – air enters the body Exhalation – air is released from the body

4 Respiratory System Gas exchange O 2 & CO 2 O2O2 CO 2

5 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 2. Identify the structure air first enters when you inhale. Nose

6 Path of Air 1. NOSE (Nasal cavity) Cilia: filters, traps Mucus: moistens air Blood vessels – warms


8 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 3. Identify the structure after the nasal cavity that is also known as the throat. pharynx 4. Identify the structure also called the voice box. larynx

9 2. Pharynx Throat 3. EPIGLOTTIS Covers trachea Prevent choking

10 4. LARYNX Voice box/ Vocal Cords

11 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 5. Identify the structure also called the windpipe. trachea

12 5. TRACHEA Rings of cartilage (hold it open) Cilia & mucus

13 DO NOT COPY TOPIC AND AIM. JUST START THE DO NOW. TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/14/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW: Read the passage and answer the questions. Take it from my desk.

14 Why Do We Cough? Coughs are annoying and bothersome. Some of us deal with them frequently, others only when we get a respiratory illness such as a cold or the flu. But what is a cough and why does it occur? Coughing is an important part of the body’s defense system. A cough is a natural reflex that protects your lungs. Coughing helps clear your airways of lung irritants so we can breathe more easily. Coughing occurs when the nerve endings in your airways become irritated. Certain substances (such as smoke and pollen), medical conditions, and medicines irritate these nerve endings. This irritation can also be caused by mucus that is produced when we get sick with respiratory infections. Coughing also helps prevent infections. It forcefully propels unwanted invaders up and out of the body. The blast of air being released comes out scrubbing and clearing the airway of dust, dirt or excessive secretions at speeds greater than 100 miles per hour. DO NOW Read the passage and answer the questions using textual evidence. 1. Define cough. 2. What is the purpose of coughing? 4. Identify 3 substances that can cause a cough. 3. Explain how a cough begins in the body? 5. How fast can the air from a cough travel? Natural reflex that protects the lungs. It clears the airways of lung irritants so we can breathe more easily. A cough begins when the nerve endings in your airways become irritated by certain materials. Smoke, pollen, medicine, mucus The air from a cough can travel 100 miles per hour.


16 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 6. Identify the structures that hold the trachea upright. cartilage 7. Identify what is found on the lining of the nasal cavity and the trachea and the function of these structures. Cilia – filters Mucus – moistens & traps


18 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 8. Identify the two structures that branch off the trachea. bronchi 9. Identify the smaller tubes that branch off the bronchi. Bronchioles Bronchial tubes

19 6. BRONCHI Two branches  lungs

20 Trachea Bronchi Bronchial tubes Bronchioles

21 7. BRONCHIOLES Smallest

22 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 10. Identify the structures at the end of the bronchioles. Alveoli 11. Describe the structure of alveoli. Small clusters of microscopic sacs

23 DO NOT COPY TOPIC AND AIM. JUST START THE DO NOW. TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/15/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW: Read the passage and answer the questions. Take it from my desk.

24 9. ALVEOLIALVEOLI Elastic air sacs capillaries Gas exchange

25 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 12. Describe how GAS EXCHANGE occurs in the alveoli. O 2 : Alveoli  bloodstream CO 2 : Blood  alveoli 13. Identify the process that transfers O 2 from the alveoli to the blood and CO 2 from the blood back to the alveoli. (Hint…the O 2 and CO 2 are both moving from a high to low concentration) Diffusion


27 Inside of alveolus O2O2 CO 2

28 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 14. Identify the sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Diaphragm

29 Sheet of muscle Breathing Contracts/relaxes to to change pressure

30 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 15. Describe how the diaphragm causes inhalation. Contracts to make more room in the chest cavity and pull oxygen into lungs. (MOVES DOWN)

31 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 16. Describe how the diaphragm causes exhalation (Hint…it is the complete opposite of what occurs during inhalation). Relaxes to decrease room in the chest cavity and push carbon dioxide out. (MOVES UP)

32 RESIRATORY SYSTEM Questions 17. Identify the sequence of structures that air passes through during inhalation starting with the nasal cavity and ending in the alveoli. Nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchial tubes Bronchioles Alveoli

33 Nasal cavity Nostrils/nose trachea pharynx epiglottis larynx bronchi Bronchial tubes bronchioles diaphragm

34 bronchioles capillaries alveoli capillary alveolus

35 DO NOT COPY TOPIC AND AIM. JUST START THE DO NOW. TOPIC: Respiratory System 3/16/16 AIM: How does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? DO NOW: Read the passage and answer the questions. Take it from my desk.

36 What controls breathing rate? Brain (MEDULLA) Detects CO 2 level in blood

37 Breathing during exercise Breathing rate INCREASES. Lungs work harder Breathe more deeply Heart rate increases glucose oxygen energy respiration

38 Let’s summarize: 1.What part of the brain controls breathing rate? 2.Which gas regulates breathing rate?

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