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Outcomes of WWII. 1. Outcomes of World War II A) European powers’ loss of colonies Colonies Gaining Independence After WWII.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes of WWII. 1. Outcomes of World War II A) European powers’ loss of colonies Colonies Gaining Independence After WWII."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes of WWII

2 1. Outcomes of World War II A) European powers’ loss of colonies Colonies Gaining Independence After WWII

3 B) War Crime Trials  Nuremberg trials-22 Nazi leaders charged with “crimes against humanity” -1946-12 were sentenced to death  Adolf Hitler and his 2 top aides had killed themselves

4 B) Nuremberg trials-22 Nazi leaders charged with “crimes against humanity” -1946-12 were sentenced to death

5 2)Two Powers emerge A. U.S.- wanted a democratic world led by U.S. B. U.S.S.R.-wanted communist world led by U.S.S.R.

6 C. Split Germany into East and West, including a division of the capital, Berlin=East =German Democratic Republic, West=Federal Republic of Germany

7 Checkpoint Charlie  C. Split Germany into East and West, including a division of the capital, Berlin=East  D. Berlin Wall goes up 1961

8 3) Establishment of The UN A) United Nations created in 1945 to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.”  5 permanent security councils are Britain, China, France, U.S., & Soviet Union  Created at the Yalta Conference  50 nations sign initially

9 Big Three at Yalta Conference (Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin)

10 4. Division of Europe (Iron Curtain)  Truman, Churchill, Stalin meet in Potsdam- Truman presses Stalin for free elections in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland, and Yugoslavia A) Stalin says that communism and capitalism cannot co-exist B) Churchill coins the phrase “Iron Curtain” to represent Western Europe’s democracies and Eastern Europe’s communism

11 A) Stalin says that communism and capitalism cannot co-exist B) Churchill coins the phrase “Iron Curtain” to represent Western Europe’s democracies and Eastern Europe’s communism

12 A) Stalin says that communism and capitalism cannot co-exist B) Churchill coins the phrase “Iron Curtain” to represent Western Europe’s democracies and Eastern Europe’s communism Iron Curtain East Europe Nations

13 Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston Churchill to describe the separating of Those communist lands of East Europe from the West.

14 4. Division of Europe (Iron Curtain) Rival Alliances C) Berlin Airlift-1948-49=G.B., France, U.S. Unite East Germany, Russia holds West Berlin hostage-Allies send airplanes with goods to West Berlin

15  The Russians took very high casualties to capture Berlin in May 1945. They spent the early occupation trying to take over all zones of the city but were stopped by German democrats such as Willy Brandt and Konrad Adenauer. Reluctantly the Russians had to admit the Americans, French and British to their respective zones.

16 C) Berlin Airlift-1948-49=G.B., France, U.S. Unite East Germany, Russia holds West Berlin hostage-Allies send airplanes with goods to West Berlin

17 D) Berlin Airlift-1948-49=G.B., France, U.S. Unite East Germany, Russia holds West Berlin hostage-Allies send airplanes with goods to West Berlin Division of Berlin (Germany’s Capital)

18 D) Berlin Airlift-1948-49=G.B., France, U.S. Unite East Germany, Russia holds West Berlin hostage-Allies send airplanes with goods to West Berlin

19 · E) The Soviet zone of Germany, including East Berlin, became known as the nation of East Germany. Germany remains divided: · In May of 1949, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union ended the blockade. October, 1949

20 F) 1949-NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization- signed by 10 Western European nations and U.S.& Canada G) 1955-Warsaw Pact=Soviet Union,(Eastern European Countries Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania

21 F) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949)  United States  Belgium  Britain  Canada  Denmark  France  Iceland  Italy  Luxemburg  Netherlands  Norway  Portugal  1952: Greece & Turkey  1955: West Germany  1983: Spain

22 G) Warsaw Pact (1955) }U. S. S. R. }Albania }Bulgaria }Czechoslovakia }East Germany }Hungary }Poland }Rumania

23 5) Truman Doctrine (Containment) and Marshall Plan (a) Truman Doctrine - Idea of containment - block advances of Communism by aiding countries that need help to resist Soviet advances - Thousands die after war due to starvation, lack of water/electricity, and no shelter

24 Truman Doctrine [1947] (a) Truman Doctrine - Idea of containment - block advances of Communism by aiding countries that need help to resist Soviet advances  Civil War in Greece.  Turkey under pressure from the USSR for concessions in the Dardanelles.  The U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who were resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way.  The U.S. gave Greece & Turkey $400 million in aid.

25  (b) Marshall Plan-George Marshall’s plan to aid Europe country that needed it-12.5 billion dollars-successful in Western Europe

26 (b) Marshall Plan-George Marshall’s plan to aid Europe · Secretary of State George Marshall toured Western Europe and witnessed widespread homelessness and famine. Children in a London suburb, waiting outside the wreckage of what was their home. September 1940.

27 Nuremberg, Germany, April 20, 1945 · Marshall, fearing that communist revolts could occur in such an atmosphere, B) proposed that the U.S. help to rebuild the European economy in what became known as the Marshall Plan.

28 (b) Marshall Plan-George Marshall’s plan to aid Europe

29  (b) Marshall Plan-George Marshall’s plan to aid Europe country that needed it-12.5 billion dollars-successful in Western Europe

30 6. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights A) Established and adopted by members of the United Nations B) Provided a code of conduct for the treatment of people under the protection of their government

31  Article 1.  All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.  Article 2.  Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non- self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.  Article 3.  Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.  Article 4.  No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

32  Article 5.  No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  Article 6.  Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.  Article 7.  All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.  Article 30.  Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

33 7. Efforts for reconstruction of Germany   A) Germany and Berlin divided among the four Allied powers

34 Checkpoint Charlie  B. Berlin Wall goes up 1961 to separate East and West Berlin

35   C) Democratic government installed in West Germany and West Berlin D) Emergence of West Germany as economic power in postwar Europe Democracy Communism

36 8. Efforts for reconstruction of Japan A) U.S. occupation of Japan under MacArthur’s administration B) Democracy and economic development MacArthur Emperor Herihito

37 C) Elimination of Japanese offensive military capabilities; United States’ guarantee of Japan’s security D) Emergence of Japan as dominant economy in Asia

38 9. International Cooperative Organizations  United Nations  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)  Warsaw Pact

39 United Nations  International Organization where countries try to find peaceful solutions

40 Understanding #1  The outcomes of WWII included the war crimes trials, the division of Europe, plans to rebuild Germany and Japan, and the establishment of international cooperative organizations

41 Exit Quiz  1.European powers are going to lose what after WWII?  2. What two nations are going to be “superpowers” after WWII?  3. What is the peace keeping organization formed after WWII

42  4. What did Churchill refer to the following nations as?

43  5. What western democracy alliance does the map represent  6. What Soviet/Communist alliance does this map represent

44  7. What was the Truman Doctrine hoping to contain?  8. What other plan was going to help accomplish this?  9. What country was divided into 4 sections following WWII?  10 What capital city of the country was also divided?

45  11. What form of government will be installed into West Germany?  12. Is West Germany Successful?  13. What for of government is installed into Japan?  14. What military leader helps rebulid them?

46 Pre-Quiz  1. One of the causes of the Great Depression was because Germany had to pay high _________ after WWI.  2. Another cause was the high _______ or taxes on goods.  3. Describe two other causes of the Great Depression

47  4. What was the day called when the Stock Market crashed beginning the Great Depression.  5. The Depression caused the Failure of many __________ throughout the U.S.  6.What party came to power in Germany as an impact of the Great Depression.

48  7. Name two impacts of the Great Depression.  8. What percentage of people were unemployed during the Great Depression?  9. What President creates the “New Deal” Programs to help America pull out of the Great Depression.

49 WWII  10. One of the Causes of WWII was the Failure of what Treaty?  11. Another cause was the weakness of what organization of nations?  12. Italy invaded what country during the Interwar Period?  13. Besides from Italy, what were the two other countries of the Axis Powers?

50  14. Great Britain and France given in to the demands of Germany was known as ____________.  15. They didn’t want to become involved because they wanted to remain __________.  16. What country is Germany going to invade that begins WWII.

51 17. This picture represents Germany taking over what country? 18. What country did Germany invade after they controlled France but could not defeat? 19. Who was the leader of that country that vowed, “That they would not surrender to Germany” 20. What happens on December 7 1941? 21. Then U.S. defeats Japan in the Battle of __________, the turning point in the __________.

52  22. What country does Germany invade, but fails to capture because of the country’s harsh winter?  23. What battle was a turning point in that country?  24. What event officially brings the United States into WWII?  25. What do we call the event or day when the United States began it’s invasion of Western Europe?  26. On what two cities where the atomic bombs used? 27. What country were these two cities located in?

53  28. This picture represents which two leaders of Germany and Italy?  29. What country did each lead?  30. Name the picture on the right and what country did he lead?

54  30. Name the country that Germany invaded but was turned back in large part due to that country’s extreme winter.  31. What battle was the turning point in that country?  32. Who became president when FDR (Franklin Roosevelt) passed away in 1945. 33. Major theatres of war included Africa, ________, ___________, and Pacific Islands

55  34. Who was the Allied commander in Europe in the picture?

56  35. The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, religious, or cultural group was referred to as ____________.  36. What does Anti-Semitism mean?  37. The systematic attempt to rid Europe of all Jews was referred to as the __________.

57 38. This picture represents what the ______-_______ feelings of the Holocaust. (anti-jewish) 39. After WWII the ____ _____ was formed in order to avoid future wars.

58 40. The Blue and the U.S. represents what organization.  41. The Red represents what organization.

59  42. Name the two Super Powers who will emerge in the world after WWII.

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