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Telephone Techniques You have less than 10 seconds to make your first impression!

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Presentation on theme: "Telephone Techniques You have less than 10 seconds to make your first impression!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Telephone Techniques You have less than 10 seconds to make your first impression!

2 Answering Calls Answer on first or second ring Use a pleasant voice Identify company and office the caller has reached If it is a direct line, identify yourself using your first name and last name

3 Directing the Call Gather information from the caller Decide if you can handle the request or forward the call to someone else Ask caller if he/she wants to be redirected or offer to take a message and have the other person return the call If you need to retrieve information ask if caller wants to hold or be called back

4 Taking Messages The 3 W’s: Who is to be called back? When is the best time to return the call? What information is the caller seeking? Write clearly and concisely Initial message form so recipient can ask for clarification if necessary

5 Terminating the Call Verify information in message Thank the caller and let them know you will follow up on their message Give them a time frame when they can expect to be called back Let the caller hang up first

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