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Short Term Effects of Exercise Works harder to meet the demands for more O2 Increased Breathing Rate Take more breaths to get more O2 into the CV system.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Term Effects of Exercise Works harder to meet the demands for more O2 Increased Breathing Rate Take more breaths to get more O2 into the CV system."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Term Effects of Exercise Works harder to meet the demands for more O2 Increased Breathing Rate Take more breaths to get more O2 into the CV system. Continue to exercise = rate continues to rise but at a slower rate. Exercise intensity stays same = BR levels off Exercise intensity increases = BR continues to increase until you get exhausted Stop exercising = BR drops quickly then returns to normal

2 Short Term Effects of Exercise Increased Tidal Volume Tidal volume = amount of air breathed in & out with each breath Increases so more air gets into lungs for gas exchange Because tidal volume increases this makes minute volume increase as well

3 Long Term Effects of Exercise Increased strength of Respiratory Muscles RM get bigger and stronger so you can expand you your chest cavity more so you can take more air in per breath This leads to............. Increased Vital Capacity / Total Capacity Because you can take more air in per breath you increase Tidal Volume – amount in & out per breath Inspiratory Reserve Volume – amount breathed in deeply Expiratory Reserve Volume – amount forced out Added together = Vital Capacity

4 Long Term Effects of Exercise Increase in Minute Ventilation Taking in more air per breath = more air taken in per minute Increase in Oxygen Diffusion Rate Capillarisation = more capillaries around the alveoli = more surface area for exchange of O2 & CO2 = diffusion can happen quicker

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