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Jacksonian America Chapter 9.

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1 Jacksonian America Chapter 9

2 Guiding Questions How did Andrew Jackson the man and president, reflect the change in political ideology of the ’s? How did political parties meet the needs/wants of the people? Is the argument for the powers of nullification a valid democratic argument? Does the constitution justify such powers implicationally?

3 The Expanding Electorate
Jacksonian America saw… No growth in economic equality No redistribution of wealth BUT voter’s rights were expanded How? States had been restricted voting to… White, property owning, taxpayers Voter suffrage (rights) expanded first in the West The number of total voters doubled from , then almost doubled again the next decade.

4 The Dorr Rebellion Thomas Dorr (a local leader in Rhode Island) didn’t like the voter restrictions so he drafted a new Constitution for his state. It is put to a state wide vote and Dorr’s Constitution wins popular support. 2 governments operated at the same time. Dorr acting as Governor tries to take the state arsenal and is arrested and imprisoned. Power is restored to the legitimate legislator but they are forced to expand voter rights.

5 Legitimization of the Party
Martin Van Buren starts first established political party in New York: The Albany Regency Party votes for their candidates They value party loyalty over all else They claim that party loyalty ensures that elected officials follow the will of the people. Party needs permanent opposition to survive This is the birth of the Second Party System (1828) Anti-Jacksonians=Whigs Pro-Jackson=Democrats

6 Did these changes give power to the people?
Jacksonian Democracy “President for the Common Man” “Equal protection and equal benefits.” Jackson goes after “entrenched officeholders” Puts in its place new elected officials who appoint supporters to government positions=The Spoils System (To the victor goes the spoils) Party convention replaces the caucus Kitchen Cabinet replaces real Cabinet Did these changes give power to the people?

7 Our Federal Union Jackson weakens the function of the Federal Government but strengthens the powers of the president He believes in Jefferson’s strong state rights with strong farmers John C. Calhoun is Vice President He believes that the Tariff of Abominations has caused economic turmoil in the South

8 Nullification Calhoun proposes that the state of South Carolina has the power to Nullify the tariff because it is the state that gives the federal government power. Jackson disagrees with nullification Calhoun resigns Van Buren is appointed VP Webster-Hayne Debate rages in congress arguing whether the states have the right to ignore a federal law—NULLIFICATION

9 Nullification In November of 1832 South Carolina votes to nullify the tariff Jackson, fearing an end to the Union, sends in troops to collect the tariff—Force Act Congress trying to avoid civil war passes a bill at the last minute to gradually lower the tariff over the next ten years (till 1842) to pre-1816 levels. This calms the nullification debate…for now. Proves that states can’t go it alone and that secession is possible.

10 Our Actors-2nd Hour Narrator=Mr. Flessa Director=Misbahul
Henry Clay=Michelle Tallmadge=Tanvi Thrift=Alex Peirce=Jenna Andrew Jackson=Emma Newsboy=Eleri Calhoun=Peter Webster=Hannah Hayne=Amartya Jefferson=Joseph Van Buren=Adrienne Peggy Eaton=Maria John Eaton=Nischal Soldier=Marcella Black Hawk=Emily Hamilton=Michella Scott=Jenna Taney=Alex Duane=Deena Santa Anna=Juliana Austin=Tanvi Houston=Jenna Adams=Michelle Lawrence=Hemmingway Swift=Hannah

11 Our Actors-4th Hour Narrator=Mr. Flessa Director=Mr. Flessa
Henry Clay=Dan g Tallmadge=Sanket Thrift=Mike Peirce=Andrei Andrew Jackson=Peter Newsboy=Goutham Calhoun=Claire Webster=Angelina Hayne=Carlie Jefferson=Connor Van Buren=Noah Peggy Eaton=Ashley John Eaton=Cara Soldier=Michael Black Hawk=Rachel Hamilton=Marissa Scott=Jillian Taney=Liam Duane=Victoria Santa Anna=Yip Austin=Marissa Houston=Beany Adams=Jillian Lawrence=Justin Swift=Rachel

12 Our Actors-2nd Hour-Act 1
Narrator=Deena Director=Misbahul Henry Clay=Michelle Tallmadge=Tanvi Thrift=Peter Peirce=Jenna

13 APUSH Short Answer Questions
Short-answer questions will directly address one or more of the thematic learning objectives for the course. At least two of the four questions will have elements of internal choice, providing opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know best.  Number of Questions Time Percentage 4 50 Minutes 20% Thematic Learning Objectives 1 Identify 2 Work, Exchange and Technology 3 Peopling 4 Politics and Power 5 America and the World 6 Environment and geography 7 Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture

14 Short Answer Question Example
1. Answer a, b, and c. a) Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the period b) Briefly explain a SECOND example of how contact between Native Americans and Europeans brought changes to Native American societies in the same period. c) Briefly explain ONE example of how Native American societies resisted change brought by contact with Europeans in the same period.

15 Example of an Answer C) Tribes sometimes worked to preserve their traditional tribal culture, beliefs, language, and worldviews rather than accept or adapt to European ways and beliefs. Some Native American people responded to European contact with violence and warfare, as in Metacom’s Rebellion (King Philip’sWar) and the Pueblo Revolt (Popé’s Rebellion). Some Native Americans maintained their traditional religions rather than converting to Christianity. Native Americans sometimes chose to flee rather than accept enslavement by Europeans. Tribes sometimes formed alliances with one another, such as Metacom’s alliance of tribes in New England, in order to resist encroaching European colonial societies. • Some tribes formed alliances with some Europeans to resist and wage war on other Europeans (or to play one European nation

16 Example of an Answer A) and B)
Native American population declined as a result of disease and warfare (leading to “mourning wars” between Native American tribes). Many Native Americans were enslaved and/or subjected to forced labor. Traditional tribal economies changed as a result of increased trade with Europeans. Native Americans and Europeans began to intermarry in Spanish and French colonies, producing racially mixed populations and caste systems. Some Native Americans converted to Christianity. The introduction of new crops and livestock into Native American societies changed settlement patterns. Domestic animals brought by Europeans changed the environment and destroyed Native American crops. Views on gender roles, family, and property changed as a result of European influence. The introduction of guns, other weapons, and alcohol stimulated cultural and demographic changes in some Native American societies. Alliances with European nations changed politics and policies within and among tribes.

17 Oh Yeah…! We will be holding our first “OH YEAH!” debate today based on your Jackson: $20 Projects. Here are the rules. We will start with a random person. That person will stand and give a reason why President Jackson should be on the $20 Bill. When they are finished a historical figure with an OPPOSING view will stand and say “OH YEAH!...” then give one of their reasons my Jackson SHOULDN’T be in the $20. When they are finish a person with an opposing view of the second person will stand and say “OH YEAH!...” and give their reason why Jackson SHOULD be on the $20. And so on… Pay attention so that you don’t repeat someone else’s reason.

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