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Reading Guide Ch. 14 Healthful Eating

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1 Reading Guide Ch. 14 Healthful Eating

2 1. Define Nutrients. Chemical substances found in food, which help the body work properly.

3 2. Define Nutrition. The science of how nutrients support the body.

4 3. What is the main purpose of carbohydrates?
The body’s main source of energy.

5 4. What is another name for simple carbohydrates?

6 5. In what foods do you find simple carbohydrates?
Milk, fruits, some vegetables, Candy, cookies, cakes. Syrups, honey, jelly

7 6. What is another name for complex carbohydrates?

8 7. In what foods do you find complex carbohydrates?
Grains: rice, pasta, grits, oatmeal Breads Corn, peas, potatoes Cereal

9 8. What does fiber do for the body?
Moves waste products through the digestive tract.

10 9. What do proteins do for the body?
Growth, maintenance and repair of body tissues.

11 10. What are amino acids? A component of proteins.
The building blocks of protein.

12 11. What is the difference between complete proteins and incomplete proteins?
Complete: Contain all the amino acids the body needs. Incomplete: Contain some of the amino acids the body needs.

13 12. What foods supply complete proteins?
Come from animal products Meat, poultry, fish / shellfish, dairy, eggs

14 13. What foods supply incomplete proteins?
Come from plant products. Grains: rice, pasta, grits Dry beans Nuts Sees

15 14. Name the 5 functions of fats.
1. Energy 2. Insulate the body 3. Protect and cushion organs 4. Help distribute fat soluble vitamins 5. Supply essential fatty acids.

16 15. What is the difference between saturated fats and unsaturated fats?
Solid at room temperature Come from animal fats Meats, butter, dairy Unsaturated Generally liquid at room temperature Come from plant fats Corn oil, soybean oil

17 16. Hydrogenation is the process of changing a liquid fat (oil) to a solid fat. Name two solid fats that are made from this process. Margarine Shortening

18 17. What is cholesterol? A fatty substance found in every body cell.

19 18. What do Calcium and Phosphorus do together for the body?
Build bones and teeth

20 19. What does Calcium do alone for the body?
Regulates the use of other minerals Helps the nervous system to function

21 20. What will happen if you have a deficiency of Calcium over a long period of time?
Develop Osteoporosis: Weak, brittle bone disease

22 21. Name some foods that are good sources of Calcium and Phosphorus.
Dairy products: Milk, yogurt, cheese Dark green leafy vegetables

23 22. What does Fluorine do for the body?
Proper development of bones and teeth

24 23. Where can you get Fluorine?
Tooth paste Many communities put it into the local water supply

25 24. What does Iodine do for the body?
Makes thyroxine

26 25. What does Thyroxine do for the body?
A hormone produced by the Thyroid gland. Controls the rate at which the body uses nutrients. Deficiency causes a goiter.

27 26. Where can you get Iodine?
Iodized table salt Seafood

28 27. What does Iron do for the body?
Makes Hemoglobin

29 28. What is Hemoglobin? A substance in the blood that carries oxygen fro the lungs to cells throughout the body.

30 29. What are some symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia?
Extreme fatigue Pale skin Poor Appetite

31 30. Name some foods rich in iron.
Organ meats Lean meats Dried beans and peas Dark green leafy vegetables Eggs

32 31. What does Sodium do for the body?
Helps maintain the balance of the fluids in the body.

33 32. Diets high in Sodium are linked with what health problem?
Hypertension – also called high blood pressure.

34 33. Name the functions Zinc has in the body.
1. Normal growth and development 2. Helps immune system 3. Heal wounds

35 34. What are the four fat-soluble vitamins?
Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

36 35. Yes or No Can your body store these vitamins? If so, where?
In the body’s fatty tissues and the liver

37 36. What does Vitamin A do for the body?
Healthy skin and hair Eyesight

38 37. What is Night blindness?
When the eyes cannot adjust from bright to dim light.

39 38. What are some food sources for Vitamin A?
Liver, whole and fortified milk products Fish oils

40 39. What is Carotene? An orange pigment the body can convert to Vitamin A.

41 40. In what foods do you get Carotene?
Orange fruits and vegetables Dark green vegetables

42 41. What is the main function of Vitamin E?
To act as an antioxidant

43 42. What does an antioxidant do?
Antioxidants protects the body from the damaging effects of oxygen.

44 43. What foods give you Vitamin E?
Vegetable oils Whole grain cereals Liver Green leafy vegetables

45 44. What does Vitamin K do for the body?
Helps the blood to clot

46 45. What foods give you Vitamin K?
Spinach Cabbage Eggs Liver

47 46. What are the water-soluble vitamins?
Vitamin C The B vitamins (Riboflavin, Thiamin, Niacin, B1, B12, B6, Folate)

48 47. Yes or No Can your body store these vitamins?
Excess amounts are excreted in the urine.

49 48. What does Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Niacin do for the body?
Helps the body obtain energy from your foods.

50 49. What is the name for a deficiency of Thiamin?

51 50. Define enriched. Nutrients that were lost during processing have been added back into a product.

52 51. What is the name for a deficiency of Niacin?

53 52. What does Folate do for pregnant woman?
Body uses Folate to make new cells. Needed for the development of the brain and spinal cord of the unborn baby.

54 53. What does Vitamin B12 do for the body?
Helps the body make red blood cells.

55 54. Name the functions for Vitamin C.
Helps hold body cells together Healing of wounds Keeps blood vessels strong. Helps body fight infection

56 55. What is the name of a deficiency of Vitamin C?

57 56. Name some foods that provide Vitamin C.
Citrus fruits Strawberries Cantaloupe Peppers Broccoli tomatoes

58 57. Name the functions of water.
Carry nutrients to the cells Carries waste products from the cells. Digestion Regulate body temperature

59 58. Name some ways you get water from the foods you eat.
Soups Fruits: oranges, apples, watermelon Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers Beverages

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