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What to expect from people with OCD Something I found interesting By: Danielle Lopez.

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Presentation on theme: "What to expect from people with OCD Something I found interesting By: Danielle Lopez."— Presentation transcript:

1 What to expect from people with OCD Something I found interesting By: Danielle Lopez

2 What Is OCD? OCD is a psychological disorder which causes repetitive behavior. An estimated 2.2 million people in the US have OCD

3 Types Of OCD That Are Out There There are five main types of OCD cleaning Hoarders Compulsive ordering Repetition of thoughts or phrases Repetitive checking

4 What Can OCD Cause? OCD can cause many things such as Alcohol or substance abuse Depression Suicidal thoughts or behavior

5 What Causes OCD? Things that can cause OCD are You can inherit it The Environment Between the ages of 18-30 is the most common ages where OCD is diagnosed

6 What Are Some Treatments? Exposure and response prevention

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