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FACS.  Wellness: reaching for your best level of health  Nutrient: substance in food that is important for the body’s growth and maintenace  Calorie:

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Presentation on theme: "FACS.  Wellness: reaching for your best level of health  Nutrient: substance in food that is important for the body’s growth and maintenace  Calorie:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Wellness: reaching for your best level of health  Nutrient: substance in food that is important for the body’s growth and maintenace  Calorie: a unit that measures the enery used by the body and the energy that food supplies to the body

3 Nutrients  Protein: type of nutrient needed to build, repair and maintain body cells and tissues.  Incomplete Protein: found in plants, dry beans, nuts and grains  Complete Protein: meat

4  Carbohydrates: starches and sugars that give the body most of its energy.  1) Sugars: simple carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables and foods with added sugars  2) starches: complex carbs found in potatoes, breads, pasta, rice, dry beans  3) fiber: consists of plant materials that add bulk to the diet (raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains)

5  Fats: an important source of energy.  Carry vitamins A,D,E,K, helps insulate the body, necessary for growth and healthy skin found in animal fats, whole milk, eggs, cheese, pastry and nuts.  Saturated fats: solid at room temp; found in animal foods  Unsaturated fats: usually liquid, found in veg.oils

6  Cholesterol: body uses to make necessary chemicals and help in digestion  Vitamins: chemicals that regulate body processes  1)fat soluble: dissolve in fat; A,D,E,K  2) water soluble: dissolve in water; Vitamin B, B1,B2,B6,B12 and Vit.C

7  Minerals: make up part of the hard and soft body tissue  Calcium: helps make bones and teeth strong (milk, dark greens, leafy veg, salmon)  Phosphorus: helps bones and teeth (meat, eggs, dairy products)  Iron: helps red blood cells to carry oxygen through body(liver, red meats, egg yolks, dark green veg)

8  Potassium: helps heart and muscles work; helps regulate blood pressure (bananas, dried beans, oranges  Water: need 8 glasses day to help keep body hydrated (found in fruits and vegs, soups)

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