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Ch 4 / Sections 2 & 3 Infancy & Temperament. Infancy – Piaget’s Sensory Sub-stages # 1 to 4 1) Reflexive schemes - Centering around the infant’s own body…(Reflexes:

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 4 / Sections 2 & 3 Infancy & Temperament. Infancy – Piaget’s Sensory Sub-stages # 1 to 4 1) Reflexive schemes - Centering around the infant’s own body…(Reflexes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 4 / Sections 2 & 3 Infancy & Temperament

2 Infancy – Piaget’s Sensory Sub-stages # 1 to 4 1) Reflexive schemes - Centering around the infant’s own body…(Reflexes: sucking, rooting & grasping) 2) Primary circular reactions - repeated movements, centering around infant’s body & objects…by chance 3) Secondary circular reactions - Infants repeat actions that include objects in their environment; focus on reactions from the object & reactions of other’s in the environment… 4) A child’s ability to relate 2 actions - Intentional behavior…moving Piaget’s hand out of the way to get a desired object.

3 Piaget’s Sensorimotor stages Terms: - Schemes /Esquemas - Symbolic representations / Representaciones simbólicas - Assimilation / Asimilación - Object permanence / Permanencia de los objetos

4 (Bowlby )Attachment The emotional bond between an infant and their primary caregiver… Phases of attachment Phase 1: Indiscriminate Social Responsiveness Phase 2: Discriminate Social Responsiveness Phase 3: Focused Attachment Wariness of strangers Separation protest (anxiety)

5 Emotions Fear is not shown until around 9 mos. (mobile/ depth perception) Anger Shame

6 Temperament The aspect of personality, which includes emotional expressiveness & responsiveness to environmental stimulation; also refers to one’s “personality”.

7 Describes the behavioral style, reflecting how a child does something (response) Temperamental style develops with age; predictions based on stability of temperament are more accurate after 24 mos. of age; Stability of temperament style relies on: child’s experience, environment, parenting practices & goodness of fit

8 Goodness of fit- a concept describing the relation between a child’s temperament & his or her social and environmental surroundings (caregiver/home, parenting practices, community, etc.)

9 Thomas & Chess: 9 dimensions of temperament Activity/ Actividad - refers to how active a child is Nivel de actividad… Intensity/ Intensidad - refers to the energy level of a child’s response Nivel de energía de la respuesta del niño… Sensitivity/ Sensibilidad - refers to how much stimulation is needed to evoke a child’s response… El nivel de estimulacion que se requiere para que responda un niño…

10 Adaptability/ Adaptabilidad - refers to how much time a child takes to adjust to changes/intrusions/restrictions/transitions, etc. Se refiere a cuanto tiempo le toma al niño ajustar a cambios/restricciónes/limitaciónes, transiciónes, etc. Approach -Withdrawal/ Aproximació - Retirarse - refers to a child’s response to new things: food, person, toy or place Se refiere a como el niño responde a cosas nuevas… Persistence/ Persistencia - refers to a child’s tendency to continue an activity until it is finished La tendencia del niño, que continue con una actividad haste que acabe.

11 Distractability/ Distracción- refers to how easily a child is drawn away from an activity he or she is involved in Que tan fácil se distrae el niño… Rhythmicity/ Rítmico- refers to the predictability of a child’s sleep-wake cycle, hunger/eating pattern, & elimination pattern. El nivel que se puede predecir los ciclos del niño… Mood/ Humor- refers to a child’s tendency to be smiling and cheerful as opposed to unsmiling & thoughtful La tendencia del niño, de sonreír, estar de buen humor

12 3 main categories were identified/ 3 Categorías: The easy child/ El niño fácil - Is regular in biological functions; approaches most new situations; adapts quickly to change; has mild to moderate intensity… The difficult child/ El niño difícil - more likely to display anxious-withdrawal & aggressive behavior… The slow-to-warm-up child/ El niño lento para calentarse - display fearful behavior & few to no behavior problems; reacts slowly to social interactions…

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