Strategies for Social Media Marketing. SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR AUDIENCE Find and engage with current and potential customers online! Social is now the top.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for Social Media Marketing. SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR AUDIENCE Find and engage with current and potential customers online! Social is now the top."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for Social Media Marketing

2 SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR AUDIENCE Find and engage with current and potential customers online! Social is now the top Internet activity Americans spend more time on social media than any other major Internet activity, including email Social media is mobile 60% or so of social media time is spent not on desktop computers but on smartphones and tablets.

3 SOCIAL MEDIA MYTHS Social media is filled with trolls that will only badmouth my business I don’t have time to manage social media accounts I don’t have anything worthy of posting on social media; I can’t create content THESE ARE ALL MYTHS!

4 INTRO TO FACEBOOK & TWITTER Facebook is the world’s largest social network Users can create fan pages for their brands Facebook attracts roughly seven times the engagement that Twitter does Active Users: 1.28 billion Twitter is a microblogging social network Users can send and read short 140 character messages called “tweets” Users can use “hashtags” to create or join conversations about various topics Active Users: 200 million

5 WHAT’S A HASHTAG? Hashtags are a tagging system for tracking social media posts using the “#” Most commonly used on Twitter and Facebook Used to create, track, and add to conversations Example: #LFAFallFest for any posts about the Certified Local Fall Fest

6 KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Who are your followers? Locals vs. visitors Important to balance content Understand the best times to post Engage with your audience Social Media is a tool for 2-way engagement Not just about putting content out there, but creating a conversation

7 USING IMAGES AND PHOTOS Posting photos on Facebook is the best way to get more attention from your fans Photos are easier to consume than text, are more likely to be shared. For best engagement, your photos must: Be high quality Interest your fans Share multiple photos in a single post for higher engagement

8 USING IMAGES AND PHOTOS COMPARE: Support local businesses. It’s a good thing to do for your home, community, and local economy!

9 WHAT ARE YOUR PHOTOS SAYING? These Slide Fire images are both about the same topic, but elicit different reactions and emotions. Remember to always create positive associations and feelings on your social media. The image on the left got 141 likes, the image on the right got over 1000.

10 ANATOMY OF A GREAT POST Has high quality, visually compelling images Elicits a positive response Promotes a cause or a message that the user identifies with, or marks a significant or important occasion Content is socially, culturally relevant and timely

11 BEST PRACTICES - CONTENT Don’t have to pay to get great engagement on social media Become the expert! You don’t have to be a content creator to post great content Windmill Winery in Florence - finds and posts great ideas for weddings on their Facebook page

12 BRAINSTORMING CONTENT Content you create: Blog posts Photos of new products in your store Photos of events you host/attend Content you share: Industry leaders social media & blog posts News stories relevant to your community or industry Posts from fellow business owners Buy Local!

13 FACEBOOK EVENTS Helpful tips: Facebook is a great way to promote events for your business Invitees receive notifications every time you update the event, plus a reminder notification one hour before the event Event description - include all important information before “See More” link Only create one unique Facebook event for any event Add event partners as hosts and have them invite their networks Repeat event? Hire professional photographer for high quality images you can use for marketing next time

14 BEST PRACTICES - EVENTS Page: Obscura Dance Night, 700 fans Create a strong following on Facebook fan page, then push events out to fans

15 COLLABORATION How can you work with other businesses and organizations to promote your business and region? Follow one another Share each other’s content Create lists in Facebook to keep track of content from specific pages Organize coordinated social media campaigns Create a “Visit ___” page if your town or region doesn’t already have one

16 ORGANIC REACH VS. PAID REACH Organic reach: How many people engage with your post organically, no payment Paid reach: How many people engage with your Facebook ad campaign When is it worth it to pay for Facebook ads? Would ads help you achieve your business goals? How much should you invest? What works for one business may not work for you.

17 ORGANIC REACH VS. PAID REACH Successful Organic Post: Reach: 14,376 430 Likes 127 Shares Link:

18 ORGANIC REACH VS. PAID REACH Successful Paid Post: Reach: 21,848 total Organic: 1,944 Paid: 19,904 113 Likes 14 Shares Link: 8.13977.106032806092251/738840706144788/?type=1 8.13977.106032806092251/738840706144788/?type=1

19 BEST PRACTICES - PAID ADS Social media is great for “microtargeting” ads Find small and specific audience and create an ad specifically for them Visit Sedona - runs ads on Facebook for those who recently change relationship status to “Engaged”


21 SETTING GOALS & MESSAGING Goals should be measurable What do you want to accomplish? Example: 100 new followers each month Measure your impact Example: Event survey - how did you find out about this event? Determine consistent messaging prior to social media campaign What do you want your audience to know? Share messaging with partners

22 MANAGING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA Set a post frequency schedule and stick to it! Should post at least 1-2 times per week Don’t let your page go stale, but don’t post for the sake of posting. Use relevant content. Do your research Look at other successful pages Create lists of pages for sharing content Schedule time in your calendar to post on social media Set aside 1 hour a week Schedule content for the entire week Create a content calendar


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