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Social Media Presented by Melissa Korn – MS Society of Canada Rochelle ten Haaf – Ovarian Cancer Canada Tom Forgacs - LinkedIn.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media Presented by Melissa Korn – MS Society of Canada Rochelle ten Haaf – Ovarian Cancer Canada Tom Forgacs - LinkedIn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media Presented by Melissa Korn – MS Society of Canada Rochelle ten Haaf – Ovarian Cancer Canada Tom Forgacs - LinkedIn

2 Objectives What are we going to cover today? Social media basics Facebook TAVA Discussion Forum LinkedIn

3 What is Social Media? Social Media refers to forms of electronic communications through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other contact. To put it simply, it allows for the creation and exchange of user-generated content.

4 Why is Social Media important? Ideal opportunity to increase awareness and engage people in the work of your organization and volunteerism People use social media for donating funds to their favorite causes - ‘social giving’ Here are some quick facts on the use of Social Media by Canadians: One in three Anglophone Canadians checks their social media at least once a day Almost seven in 10 internet users declared they were regular social media users (this figure has increased by 6% since 2011) About 63% of social media users surveyed said they read Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn every single day These statistics came from article: How do you compare? New report reveals stats about social media usage in Canada. April 29, 3012.How do you compare? New report reveals stats about social media usage in Canada

5 Canadian’s Social Media Usage Canada is one of the #1 countries for use & growth of social media Canadians are highly engaged with social media  41.3 hours per month, per person Canada is ranked 2 nd highest for online video usage in the world 72% of the population in Canada uses a smartphone, and this growth has really driven the growth of social media and the mobile landscape: – 1 in 5 minutes online is spent using a Smartphone in Canada – Of those, 3 out of 4 is spent on Facebook (compared to 1 in 7 minutes as the worldwide average) *Statistics received during Social Media Week, Toronto - 2013

6 Why Social Media Can’t Be Ignored

7 There is a decline of print media Direct connection to your ‘clients’ Is become more and more widely accessible It’s FREE!

8 What Social Media Should I Be Using? There is such a wide variety of social media channels currently available, it can sometimes be daunting to determine which channel will work best for your organization’s needs. We’re focusing on three channels: -Facebook -Discussion Forum -LinkedIn

9 TwitterTwitter – A communication & information sharing network that connects people to each other through discussion. It’s a way for businesses, organizations, and individuals to connect and interact with each other. Messages are limited to 140-characters and are called “tweets.” YouTubeYouTube – A video sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos. You do not have to be a member of the site to watch videos that are made public. This site is a great way to share visual messages with your network and provides cross- platform communication (i.e. you can share your YouTube videos on all other social networking sites, in emails, and even in presentations). InstagramInstagram – An online photo & video networking service that enables its users to share content on a variety of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Hashtags are often used to engage new audiences (see below for more information regarding #hastags!). As of September 2013, Instagram announced a total of more than 150 million monthly active users. Many companies & organizes use Instagram as a tool to promote their brand and provide more connectedness within their social media strategy. Other Social Media Channels Worth Exploring:

10 Look at the Social Media 101 handout for more details on Social Media lingo!

11 How do I use social media? Your posts should be: Strategic – What do you want to use social media for & why? Creative – make it fresh, engaging, and well written Interactive (question, ask for comments, use online contests, photos, surveys, share links, or pose questions asking for feedback) Informative (what is it that you want them to know, share story, etc.) On brand - represent your organizations/personal brand Technical – make sure all of your social media sites are connected – for example, if you write a new blog post, make sure to share it on the Facebook page! Using a cross-platform approach will increase your success of engaging your audience.

12 Your Social Media Plan / Policy Determine your target audience Assign a manager of the channel(s) Determine a plan of action: – How often you will update – What content can be posted – How will you respond to posts & feedback Promote your social media

13 Questions?

14 FACEBOOK World’s largest social network Over a billion users worldwide Increase awareness and engagement (sharing facts, upcoming events, interesting links, photos, etc.) No single way to use Facebook – it’s all about what works best for your organization and the people you are trying to engage


16 Questions?

17 TAVA Discussion Group

18 Why the move? Google Group = With Wild Apricot we’re able to manage events, membership, communications and the discussion forum all under one roof! With increase personal profile control! Two different websites! Two membership lists to manage! Limited member control!

19 TAVA Discussion Group Conversation - share links, ideas and questions with TAVA members Subscribe to the TAVA forum OR to individual topics within the forum Receive email notifications of updates as frequent as you’d like (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) After receiving the notification of a new post, you can visit the forum to view the new topics or replies Only you can subscribe to a forum or forum topic – the subscription cannot be set up by an administrator

20 TAVA Discussion Group Log in

21 TAVA Discussion Group Access to members only section Discussion Forum

22 TAVA Discussion Group Forum Topics (conversation threads) Subscribe to entire forum # of Replies

23 TAVA Discussion Group Create new topic (conversation) Topics listed (conversation thread) Subscribed!

24 TAVA Discussion Group View profile Edit profile Subscribe to all three! Change frequency of notifications

25 Questions?

26 LINKEDIN Over 300 million users World’s largest professional network Individuals can use this site to build their professional identity, network, find professional development resources, and apply for jobs Companies and Organizations can use this site to promote their work, share resources, and recruit employees for new opportunities Great way to connect, communicate, and share in a professional setting


28 Questions?

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