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north of China 东方明珠塔 east of China south of China.

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2 north of China

3 东方明珠塔 east of China

4 south of China

5 north of Hainan Island

6 kangaroo between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean

7 鼓浪屿海景 along the southeast coast of China

8 海沧大桥 南普陀 日光岩 厦门绿化

9 Read the passage quickly and find answers to the following questions: 1.Who is visiting whose hometown? 2.Where does Xiao Li live? 3.What’s the climate/weather like there? 4.Which district is the most interesting part of Xiamen? 5.What is Gulangyu Island like? John Martin is visiting Xiao Li’s hometown. He lives in the northwest of Xiamen. Pretty /Very hot and wet in summer and cold in winter. The western district. It’s a gorgeous (pretty and lovely) island.

10 Read the passage again and point out the mistakes: John is visiting Xiao Li’s hometown, Hainan. They haven’t seen each other for 7 years. This is the second time John has visited there. He thinks Xiamen is one of the most boring places he has been to. Xiao Li loves living by the roadside. He and John are walking around Xiamen, talking about the weather, the apartment block, the business district, the western district and Gulangyu Island, but not the moon. At last they are too hungry (starving) to drive on. So they park the car and go over to a mutton restaurant for lunch.

11 ③ Choose the best answers: (Page 33) 1.Fortunate means _______. A. sad B. lucky 2.Pretty hot means _______. A. too hot B. very hot 3.Bother you means _____. A. amuse you B. give you problems 4.Nuisance means ______. A. amusing B. causing problems 5. Shopping mall means _____. A. shopping centre B. small shops 6. Gorgeous means _______. A. lovely B. boring 7. Starving means ______. A. very hungry B. excited.

12 Let’s talk about a place which is familiar to us. Hello, my name is _____. I’m from Group One. I would like to talk something about my hometown. My hometown is in Jinhua Village in the west of Fucheng Town. It’s near the Hongcheng Lake. There are about 100,00 people living there. I used to live in an old house with my family. Not long ago, my brother built a four-storey apartment block. We’ve moved into it. We often take a walk around the Hongcheng Lake. With a soft wind blowing from the lake, we feel very comfortable and fortunate living there. But recently, we find that the lake has been polluted so badly that the water begins to smell. People say the fish are too dangerous to eat. Worse still, the high-rise buildings on the small island will add more pollution.What a nuisance! I hope the government will do something to stop the pollution so that people can have a nice environment to live in.

13 A New House

14 Another example: Hello, my name is _____. I’m from Group Four. Here I would like to talk something about my new house. I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria. In her letter, she said she would come to England next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise. We are now living in a Beautiful new house in the countryside. Work on it had begun before my sister left. The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us. The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden. It is a very modern house, so it looks strange to some people. It must be the only modern house in the district. (from New Concept English)

15 Talk about a place which is familiar to you: Some aspects for reference: Location and area Boundaries and neighbors Landscape and rivers Climate Nature and environment History Population Language and religion Economy Life and culture Speciality ( 特产 ) Local flavor ( 风味小吃 )

16 Homework: 1.Get on the website to know more about Xiamen. 2. Write your description of your favourite place.

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