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 Capitalization, Quotation Marks, Italics & Underlining Usage & Mechanics.

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Presentation on theme: " Capitalization, Quotation Marks, Italics & Underlining Usage & Mechanics."— Presentation transcript:

1  Capitalization, Quotation Marks, Italics & Underlining Usage & Mechanics

2 Capitalization  What words do you capitalize? Write down all that you know.

3 Capitalization 1. The pronoun “I” 2. Proper nouns and adjectives 3. School subjects, holidays, days of the week, months, geographical names 4. First word in a sentence or in a quote 5. Direction words as regions of the country 6. Important words in titles 7. Titles of people, names of people (without “my”)

4 

5 Quotation Marks 1. Around DIRECT quotations not INDIRECT (a person’s exact speech or thoughts) Julie said, “We are studying Jamestown.” Sara said that it was settled in 1607.

6 Quotation marks in dialogue 2. Place end marks inside the quotation marks. “What do you know about the settlers?” asked Sara.  Remember to INDENT a new paragraph each time the speaker changes.

7 Interrupted quotations 3. One sentence needs quotation marks for all direct quotes. “They came on 3 ships,” said Julie, “and were men and boys.” 4. Two sentences needs a period after the interrupter, and then write the second quoted sentence as a full quotation. “One of them was John Rolfe,” said Sara. “He married Pocahontas.”

8 Quot. Marks with other punctuation 5. A comma or period used with a direct quotation goes inside the final quotation marks. Place a ? or ! inside the final quotation mark if the end mark is part of the quotation. Place a ? or ! outside the final quotation mark if the end mark is part of the entire sentence, not part of the quotation.

9 Examples “The test is tomorrow,” said Alec, “so I must study.” Seth asked, “Do you think you’ll do well?” Did you say, “I got an A on the last test”?

10 Underlining vs. Italics  Underline (when handwriting) or italicize (when typing) the titles of long publications.  Book, play, long poem  Magazine, newspaper  Movie, television series  Long piece of music, album  Works of art, paintings.  Air, sea, space crafts  Words and letters used as names for themselves  Foreign words

11 Quotation marks for titles  Short stories  Chapter from book  Short poem  Article  Episode of TV program  Song

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