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Question of the Day Which of these BEST describes the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600s? A) As a result of the persecution, a greater sense of religious.

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day Which of these BEST describes the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600s? A) As a result of the persecution, a greater sense of religious."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day Which of these BEST describes the Salem Witch Trials of the late 1600s? A) As a result of the persecution, a greater sense of religious freedom swept in New England. B) The witchcraft hysteria was short-lived with many people eventually being pardoned. C) Tens of thousands of people left Massachusetts for religious reasons. D) Hundreds of people were put to death for admitting to witchcraft.

2 Today’s Standard SSUSH 3
a. Explain how the French-Indian War, 1763 Treaty of Paris, led to the American Revolution.

3 The French – Indian War Britain vs. France

4 British and French Boundaries: 1754

5 A Long Rivalry 1) France Wanted a world empire
Had a lot of land in N. America The Natives – The French had good relations with them Fur Traders French interest - economic

6 The French-Indian War Don’t be confused…
The French-Indian War was between Britain, the colonists, and the Iroquois Natives VS. the French and other Native tribes of North America IT WAS NOT BETWEEN THE FRENCH AND THE INDIANS

7 A Conflict Ignited 1754 France and Britain’s rivalry intensifies
Ultimately what caused the French-Indian War? 2) France and Britain’s struggle for dominance of North America. 3) George Washington, pictured here, as a young soldier. He gained fame during this war.

8 Early French Victories 1755-56
Native Americans knew the land This gave France the advantage Native warfare was quite different Sneak attacks, guerilla warfare They didn’t fight like “gentlemen” but…. 4) The Iroquois native tribe helped Britain against the French

9 The French-Indian War

10 Britain Wins Iroquois – helps the British and the tide turns against France 5) Significance of this? The disunity between the Native tribes will lead to their downfall in N. America. 6) Britain wins – Treaty of Paris 1763 What’s a treaty? King George II

11 British Victory

12 Aftermath New boundaries are drawn
7) a. Britain gains nearly all of French-North America Britain – Canada and nearly all of N.A. east of the Mississippi River French – keeps a few small islands and New Orleans Native Americans – Also lost big in this war

13 Victory Brings Problems
b. Britain faces financial crisis from war spending 1a. So…Britain looks to its colonies because they needed to get out of debt. Parliament begins passing a series of laws

14 The Dreaded Proclamation
The Proclamation of 1763 1b. The colonists cannot go west beyond the Appalachian Mtns. 1c. It angered the colonists because they felt it limited their freedom to expand. 1d. The Natives, thought it was great because it meant no more colonists on their lands The Proclamation marks the beginning of the British acts and laws that lead to the revolution

15 Coming soon…

16 Wrap-Up What caused the French-Indian War?
Who fought the French-Indian War? What were the results of the war? How was the war significant to the American Revolution? What was the Proclamation of 1763? Why did it anger the colonists? Why did the Natives agree with it?

17 British Acts & Colonial Resistance

18 Today’s Standard SSUSH 3
b. Explain colonial response to such British actions as the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts…

19 Question of the Day 4) The Proclamation of 1763 helped lay the groundwork for the American Revolution because it: A) was repealed after numerous citizen protests. B) levied new taxes on goods imported from Europe. C) granted greater religious freedoms to Catholics. D) interfered with colonial claims to western lands.

20 King George III

21 Britain in Debt French-Indian War Treaty of Paris, 1763
1) Britain is in debt from paying for the war with France Remember the belief of mercantilism? Britain began creating new rules and new taxes

22 The Stamp Act March of 1765 2) It was a tax on printed documents in the colonies Deeds Newspapers Marriage certificates Licenses

23 Colonial Response to the Stamp Act
Colonial response – Boycotts Why were they upset? 3) taxation w/o representation Stamp tax collectors were forced to resign Collectors were harassed, attacked, tarred and feathered 4) Sons of Liberty was formed to organize demonstrations and protests Led by Samuel Adams The Act is eventually repealed by King George III

24 The Worst Job in Colonial America: Stamp Tax Collector

25 Samuel Adams: Founder of the Sons of Liberty

26 5) The Quartering Act 1765 Colonists were required to house British soldiers who were in the colonies to enforce the law Colonists felt violated and that their privacy was gone

27 The Townshend Acts 1767 Indirect taxes on glass, lead, paint, and paper. Tea also taxed More protests Boycotts continue

28 1) The Boston Massacre March 1770
2) The British army fired upon an unarmed crowd of dockworkers protesting for more jobs 5 people killed Colonists enraged One of the most important events leading up to the Revolution

29 The Tea Act 3) Committees of Correspondence – Kept the colonies in touch about what was happening The colonies had the best postal service in the world by this time Britain didn’t know this 4) The Tea Act – 1773 Put colonial tea merchants out of business The Boston Tea Party Samuel Adams

30 The Boston Tea Party 5) A group of men, dressed as Indians, boarded 3 British ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water

31 The Boston Tea Party

32 6) The Intolerable Acts King George III’s response to the Tea Party
The Coercive Acts; AKA the Intolerable Acts The last straw Shut the Boston Harbor down and put Boston under martial law (military rule)

33 Common Sense by Thomas Paine
2) 47 page essay about American independence 3) It attacks King George and the monarchy and supports colonial independence Independence was America’s destiny It’s “common sense” that we should be free 4) 500,000 sold; so it was received very well!

34 Today’s Assignment 9/4/13 You must either
Draw a colonial protest poster depicting the British Acts / Laws passed before the American Revolution OR Write a one page protest letter to King George III explaining: Why taxation without representation isn’t fair. Why the laws placed upon the colonists are unjust. Why the colonists should NOT have to obey them.

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