ANTICIPATION GUIDE Chapter 5 The Modern Era Emerges.

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1 ANTICIPATION GUIDE Chapter 5 The Modern Era Emerges

2 Bellwork …Define terms p.148

3 Industrial Revolution in England began in late 1700s New machinery & methods increased… -productivity…….a measure of how much work can be done in a certain length of time Why Great Britain??? 1. Ready supply of natural resources (coal, iron, wood etc) 2. Ready supply of raw materials (wool, cotton, etc) 3. Ready supply of people-workers

4 Human Resources -supply of people to work, run machines Before the Industrial Revolution, how was clothing made? Cottage Industry -Family members supplied their own equipment to make goods Major Industries -Textiles -woven cloth was first to be moved to factories

5 Industrialization allowed for huge amounts of cloth to be produced in factories that could employ many workers Factories built beside river to harness water power to provide energy to factory. Steam Engine…Thomas Newcomen early 1700s -1 st use-pump water of out coal mines


7 1769 James Watt -more efficient steam engine -used in textile mills, riverboats, locomotives -improved railroad transportation (Bullet Train) -stimulates growth of industry Industrialization Spread across western Europe and in US Video

8 Peoples lives changed dramatically Factory work was hard, dangerous and long (14-15 hr day) Even women and children Eventually workers formed unions -a group who bargained for better working conditions, higher wages and shorter working hours for the workers

9 If a factory owner refused these demands workers would go on Strike -A refusal to work until the worker demands are met Are there unions today??? Overall, the Industrial Revolution made life more difficult for people in the short term but easier in the long run……Explain p.149

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