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World War I “The War to End All Wars”. Four MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I “The War to End All Wars”. Four MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I “The War to End All Wars”

2 Four MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

3 Militarism The Buildup of a country’s military to keep up or stay one step ahead of other countries military

4 Alliances Two main alliances formed The Triple Entente and The Triple Alliance

5 The Sides Triple Entente France Great Britain Russia Triple Alliance Germany Austria Hungary Italy

6 Imperialism Many Countries wanted to establish empires around the world

7 Nationalism Having extreme pride in your country. You want it to be the best country

8 The Spark (June 28, 1914) Archduke Ferdinand and wife assassinated by Gavrilo Princip Princip was a member of a terrorist organization called the “Black Hand” Austria Hungary blames Serbia

9 Alliances and War Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia Russia declares war on Austria Hungary Germany declares war on Russia and France Great Britain declares war on Germany

10 Central Powers Germany Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Bulgaria

11 Allied Powers Britain France Russia Serbia Belgium Japan Italy United States Canada Australia

12 Trench Warfare

13 Weapons of World War I

14 Wireless Communication

15 Machine Guns

16 Tanks

17 Hand Grenades

18 Armored Vehicles

19 Anti-Aircraft Guns

20 Parachutes

21 Balloons

22 Trucks and Cars

23 Aircraft

24 “Flaming Coffins”

25 Dog Fights

26 The Loser

27 German Ace “The Red Barron Mandred von Richthofen “I hope he roasted all the way down”

28 Zepplins

29 Downed Zepplin

30 Zepplin Bombs

31 “Big Bertha”

32 Machine Gun

33 Gas Attack

34 American Gas Victims

35 Early Gas Masks

36 Body Gas Suit

37 Dog with gas mask “Satan”

38 Torpedoes

39 Submarines

40 German Sub

41 Animals in WWI

42 Dogs in Training

43 Carrying supplies

44 Messenger Dogs

45 Battleships

46 Flamethrowers

47 Trench Hardships Rats Trench Mouth Dysentery Lice Snipers Tunneling Stench of Death

48 RATS!! "The rats were huge. They were so big they would eat a wounded man if he couldn't defend himself." These rats became very bold and would attempt to take food from the pockets of sleeping men. Two or three rats would always be found on a dead body. They usually went for the eyes first and then they burrowed their way right into the corpse.

49 Dysentery The bacteria enters the body through the mouth in food or water, and also by human feaces and contact with infected people

50 Snipers

51 Lice They spent the better part of an hour in killing lice and scratching themselves. We soon found out that this took the better part of an hour daily. Each day brought a new batch; as fast as you killed them, others took their place.

52 Pictures of Lice

53 Tunneling

54 Stench of Death

55 Boredom

56 Barbed Wire and Attacks

57 Mud

58 Poison Gas


60 Waterlogged Trenches caused

61 Trench Foot

62 Using Propaganda As A Weapon

63 What is Propaganda Ideas or rumors used to harm an opposing cause Home country- Pride and Liberty Opposing country- Beastly and Inhuman









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