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The Causes of World War One Nationalism Nationalism is extreme pride in one’s country and that it’s interests and culture are superior to others. The.

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2 The Causes of World War One

3 Nationalism Nationalism is extreme pride in one’s country and that it’s interests and culture are superior to others. The major European Powers- Germany, Britain, France, Austria-Hungary and Russia viewed each other as rivals. Groups of people living within the Austro-Hungarian Empire also longed to have their own nations – that is the right to self-determination

4 Militarism During the early 1900’s the major European powers began to increase the size of their armies. Germany, France and Russia soon had armies of over a million men. Germany dramatically increased the size of its navy. England, which had the largest navy, so this as a threat and continued to build more naval ships to maintain its dominance of the seas.

5 Imperialism Each of the major European powers competed to expand their colonial empires. Colonies were seen as sources of raw materials and markets and large empire added to a country’s national prestige

6 The Alliance System Each of the major powers entered into alliances for their mutual protection. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance. After war breaks out the Ottoman Turks will join Germany and Austria to form the Central Powers. Russia, France and Britain wil form the Triple Entente. The are many other alliances between the major powers and smaller European nations as well.

7 The Spark at Sarajevo 1914 Tension among the great powers is high and all that is need a spark to start the flames of war. That spark will be the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand – the heir to the Austrian throne. A terrorist group of Serbian nationalists –The Black Hand – ishoping to provoke a war that will bring down Austria and unite Slavic people under Serbian rule. A Bosnian, Gavrilo Princip, kills the Archduke and his wife in June 1914. Austria is convinced that Serbia was behind the plot and declares war. Russia comes to Serbia’s aid and Germany, Austria’s ally, declares war on Russia. Soon all of the major powers are at War.

8 The Assassination at Sarajevo

9 War in the Trenches Germany hoped to knock France out of the war quickly and than swing East and take out Russia – the Von Schlieffen Plan However, their attack through Belgium brings Britain into the War. Combined British and French forces stop the Germans at the Marne River, just miles from Paris

10 War in the Trenches Both sides “dig in” to prevent the other from gaining more territory. Soon trenches extend all the way from the North Sea to Switzerland. Each side launches massive assaults against each other hoping to achieve a “break through”. The War becomes a bloody stalemate as neither side is able to break through the other sides system of trenches.

11 The Horrors of Trench Warfare

12 Gas Attack/Death on a wire


14 The USA stays neutral President Wilson vows to keep the US out of the Great War in Europe. He successfully wins re- election in 1916 with the platform “He kept us out of War” A series of events, however, are going to push the US closer to entering the bloody conflict in Europe.

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