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Chapter 7, Section 3 The United States & Latin America.

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1 Chapter 7, Section 3 The United States & Latin America

2 Building the Panama Canal A canal across the narrow neck of Central America would link the Atlantic & Pacific oceans & cut 8,000 miles off the voyage by ship from the West to the East Coasts. It would also allow the U.S. Navy to link its Atlantic & Pacific naval fleets quickly.

3 Revolution in Panama President Roosevelt knew the best place for a canal was the isthmus of Panama. Panama was part of the nation of Colombia. He had been unable to convince Colombia to lease a strip of land to the U.S.

4 Revolution in Panama He had to find another way! Roosevelt learned that Panamanian rebels were planning a revolt against Colombia. He sent a U.S. warship to Panama & the revolt began the next day.

5 Revolution in Panama Blocked by the U.S. warship, Colombia could not reach Panama to stop the rebellion. Panama declared itself an independent country & the U.S. recognized the new nation.

6 Revolution in Panama The new government of Panama supported the idea of a canal across its land. The U.S agreed to pay Panama $10 million plus $250,000 a year for a 99 year lease on a 10-mile strip of land.

7 Building the Canal Canal construction began in 1904. The first obstacle to overcome was tropical disease. The canal route ran through 51 miles of forests & swamps filled with mosquitoes. The mosquitoes carried malaria & yellow fever.

8 Building the Canal Dr. William Gorgas organized an effort to rid the canal route of disease carrying mosquitoes. If he had not been successful, the canal would have taken much longer.

9 Building the Canal Even with the reduced risk of disease, the work was very dangerous. Most of the canal had to be blasted out of solid rock with explosives. Workers had to cut through the mountains of central Panama.

10 Building the Canal 6,000 lives were lost during the American construction of the Panama Canal. It was opened to ships on August 15, 1914. It took 10 years to complete & cost $375 million.

11 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America Theodore Roosevelt believed America should play an active role in the Western Hemisphere. He said he had always been fond of the West African proverb, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” But before Roosevelt became president…………..

12 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America In the early 1800s, President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine. This warned European nations not to interfere with countries in the Western Hemisphere.

13 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America Things were changing where the U.S. was concerned. We were growing stronger, expanding our influence and becoming a world power. How should the U.S. use its power in Latin America???

14 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America European nations had made loans to a lot of Latin American countries. The Latin American countries refused to pay their debts. The European nations wanted to use military force to collect the debts.

15 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America Roosevelt urged the Latin American countries to repay their debts. He did not want the European nations to intervene in Latin American. The presence of European forces there would violate the Monroe Doctrine & threaten U.S. power in the region.

16 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America Roosevelt knew he would have to force Latin American countries to repay their debts to keep European nations from interfering. In 1904 he announced the Roosevelt Corollary.

17 U.S. Policy Toward Latin America The Roosevelt Corollary warned that in cases of “wrongdoing” by Latin American countries, the U.S. might exercise international police power. The Corollary asserted a new role for the U.S. Roosevelt actively enforced this policy the rest of his presidency.

18 Tell me about these words/terms Panama Canal Roosevelt Corollary Role Dollar diplomacy Mexican Revolution John J. Pershing Francisco “Pancho” Villa

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