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The Cold War.

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1 The Cold War

2 After WWII – Soviet Union
Many of the Eastern European countries became communist countries under Stalin’s control. These communist countries became known as the Eastern Bloc. The larger influence that the Soviet Union became the more countries that allied themselves with them. The Soviet Union became a Superpower. Became a powerful and influential nation.

3 After WWII – United States
Fearing that more countries becoming communist would lead to a surge of new communist countries, the U.S. fought to prevent the spread of communism. Leading the Western European countries was the U.S. These countries became known as the Western Bloc. As the influence of the U.S. increased it became a more powerful nation and was the other superpower during the Cold War.

4 The “Iron Curtain” The line that separated the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc was know as the “Iron Curtain”

5 What was the Cold War? The Cold War was a time of rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union that lasted from How can a war be considered cold? There were never any major battles between the US and the Soviet Union during the time of the Cold War, but there were many times that they were close. The main goal of the Soviet Union was to spread Communism. While the main goal of the US was to spread democracy. These two opposing views led the two nations to be involved in skirmishes all over the world.

6 Why were there no major battles?
Nuclear Tensions With the creation of the Nuclear bombs like the ones the US had used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which had massive destructive power both countries did not want to be the first to start a nuclear war. Both countries continued developing nuclear bombs and weapons, which led to a competition over who could have the most powerful weapons in the world. This competition was know as the Arms Race.

7 Truman Doctrine In 1947, the British government said that they could not afford to continue fighting the Communist rebels in Greece. ‘I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.’- President Harry Truman It is the job of the US to protect those countries that are fighting Communism.

8 Marshall Plan After World War II, Europe was in ruins. George Marshall designed economic and industrial recovery plan for most of Europe. The $10.25 billion plan was more than just a way of helping Europe out of its economic problems, the main purpose of the plan was to help contain the spread of communism.

9 NATO NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Designed to promote democracy and find peaceful resolutions to conflict if possible. Main purpose during the Cold War was to give support in the case of an attack from the Soviet Union.

10 Germany Divided Germany was divided into two after the defeat of the Nazis in 1945. The split caused the creation of two states, East Germany and West Germany. East Germany became a communist country. West Germany controlled by three allied countries; British, France, & U.S.

11 Berlin, Germany Berlin was also divided.
A portion of Berlin was controlled by Britain, France, and the U.S. While the Soviet Union controlled the remaining part of the city of Berlin. With Berlin being located in communist East Germany this caused trouble for the allied nations that controlled the western part of Berlin. Germany blocked all transportation into West Berlin. Berlin was a major source of conflict during the Cold War.

12 The Berlin Wall Berlin was divided into democratic West Berlin and communist East Berlin. In 1961, the communist government built a wall around West Berlin. East German soldiers built the wall to prevent people from escaping from communist East Berlin to democratic West Berlin.

13 Decline of the Soviet Union
Spending more and more money on the upkeep of the country, the Soviet Union’s economy began to decline. In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union and through his policy changes greatly lessened the control that the Soviet government had on businesses. He also increased the freedoms of the Soviet people. These changes improved the relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Soon the other countries in the Eastern Bloc wanted to be free from communist rule.

14 Down with the Wall In November 9, 1989 a spokesman for the communist part in East Berlin announced that people would now be free to cross the borders. People used hammers and other tools to break down the wall that had divided Berlin for 28 years.

15 End of the Cold War By October of 1990 East and West Germany were reunited. On December 25, 1991 the Soviet Union broke up The Soviet Union became Russia and broke up into other countries. The once communist countries became democratic.

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