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Journal 10/10/14 What is crazy? What does crazy look like?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 10/10/14 What is crazy? What does crazy look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 10/10/14 What is crazy? What does crazy look like?

2 “One flew over the Cuckoos' Nest” 1. How is he acting? 2. How would you describe him? 3. Where is he? ogW8&feature=related ogW8&feature=related

3 Mental Illness Awareness 1.How common are mental illnesses? 2.Why is it important to be aware of them? 3.Are these people shown scary? 4.Are these people normal? Q Q


5 Journal 10/15/15 Do you know anyone who has a mental illness or mental disorder? What are some challenges they face? If you don’t know anyone, think of a time when either you or your friend felt sad, depressed, or anxious. What did you or your friend feel like?

6 If you didn’t know anyone… now you know about famous people with mental illnesses 1. Is there anything in common between people’s mental illnesses and their professions (what they do/did for a living)? 2. Was anything shocking or interesting to you? 3. Why do you think that the public doesn’t know about celebrity's mental illnesses often? 5 MINUTES!

7 Count of in your group (1,2,3,4)

8 Your Task- as a group 1 st person- facilitator (keep your group on track) 2 nd person- visual planner for poster (rough draft) 3 rd person- scribe (you start to write, but then pass it off to the next person) 4 th person- starting discussion of the important criteria 1 st -READ your article 2 nd - DISCUSS your article 3 rd -Poster You will create a poster that explains and displays the MOST IMPORTANT things about the mental illness your group read about. It needs to include: -The name of the mental illness/ disorder -The signs & symptoms -How it is treated BULLET POINTS ARE OK! -Who can get itBIG IDEAS! -All group member’s names You only need to do a rough draft if you WANT to. Up to you & your group.

9 Gallery Walk Take your notes sheet to go around and write important details from the poster about your mental illness For each poster: Name: Description: Signs & Symptoms: Treatment Who is at risk? Pg. 32&33

10 Disorder Name: Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Disorder Name: Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk? Signs & Symptoms Treatment Who is at risk?


12 Journal 10/21/15 Why do you think society has created such a negative view of someone having a mental illness?

13 History of Mental Illness 1. What surprised you about how mental illnesses were treated? 2. Why is it important to know the history of mental illness “treatments”? XI&safe=active 5 MINUTES!

14 REVIEW- What is Depression? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it?

15 Depression (1-10 US Adults, CDC) Extreme case of feeling down or sad, not just “the blues” or something you can “shake off” Feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, inadequacy, suicidal thoughts Difficult to complete tasks, unfocused, unmotivated Add to your notes!

16 Depression-Buzzfeed 1. Who was the girl in the black shirt? 2. What were some of the things “depression” said to her? 3. What were some signs & symptoms? 2 MINUTES!

17 Depression-TED Talk with Daryl 1.What were Daryl’s symptoms at age 14? 2.Why didn’t he want to get help, or talk to anyone? 3.How did he explain what the “bottom” felt like? 4 ½ MINUTES!

18 Suicide TALK TO SOMEONE!! 1-877-ONE-LIFE

19 REVIEW- What is Anxiety? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it?

20 Find your 6 o’clock partner…then… Explain a time you felt nervous, or anxious. Why did you feel that way? What did your body feel like? Be specific! (don’t just say “nervous”)

21 Anxiety (18 % US Adults- ADAA) Feelings of worry, nervousness, and uneasy Raises adrenalin Racing heart, lump in throat, difficulty breathing (tight chest) Add to your notes!

22 What a Panic Attack Feels like…

23 Panic Attack- Real World Challenge 1.What started Leah’s panic attack? 2.What were the symptoms Leah was having? 3.Why couldn’t she just “calm down”? 3 MINUTES!

24 Panic Attack- Iron Man 1.What was he speaking like? 8-4&safe=active 1 MINUTE!


26 REVIEW- What is OCD? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it? What it’s like living with the disorder?

27 OCD (1 in 40 adults, 1 in 100 children- WHO) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Type of anxiety disorder Unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that leads one to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions) Add to your notes!

28 “As OCD as it gets” NM&safe=active 1 MINUTE!

29 With your elbow partner… What is your “OCD” weakness? 1. What are you very particular about? 2. Do you know anyone else that needs things done a specific way?

30 OCD- Dr. Phil 1.What is she obsessed with? 2.Some days, how long does it take her to complete her rituals? 3.What other disorder could she potentially be diagnosed with? 8 MINUTES!

31 REVIEW- What is Bipolar? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it? What it’s like living with the disorder?

32 Bipolar Disorder (5.7 million US adults/ 2.6 % population) Has two extreme poles of emotions USUALLY characterized by manic and depressed episodes Manic= abnormally elevated mood, enthusiastic, possibly risky behaviors Depressive= mocks major depressive disorder (depression) Often self- medicate Add to your notes!

33 Bipolar Stigma

34 REVIEW- What is Schizophrenia? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it? What it’s like living with the disorder?

35 Schizophrenia Video 1.What were the voices telling her to do? 2.What was the girl acting like? 3.How did her parents feel? Seven: 1 MINUTE

36 Schizophrenia People may hear voices that other people don’t Usually paranoid that other people can read their minds, or plotting to harm them May have hallucinations (things that they might see that others do not see, or hear, or smell) Add to your notes!

37 Find your 10 o’clock partner…then… Explain how seeing these videos & discussing different mental illnesses has changed your view about them. How are you going to be sure that you don’t discriminate (or judge) against people with a mental illness?

38 REVIEW- What is ADHD? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it? What it’s like living with the disorder?

39 ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -Extremely hard to focus -Makes learning difficult -Increased Energy levels ADD- Attention Deficit Disorder Add to your notes!

40 REVIEW- What is PTSD? Signs & Symptoms? Treated? Who gets it? What it’s like living with the disorder? Jot it down in the “review” column!

41 PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder “Soldier’s heart” Caused by any trauma and trying to revert back to normal life Ex) House robbery, gang violence, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, losing your house, etc. Treated by therapy Add to your notes!

42 PTSD Video What were some of the symptoms of PTSD? Who commonly suffers from PTSD? k 8 MINUTES!


44 Exit Slip Name, Date, Block 1. why it is important to break down the stigma (negative view) of mental illness.

45 Exit Slip Name, Date, Block 1. why it is important to break down the stigma (negative view) of mental illness. 2. Pick ONE mental disorder and explain; The signs & symptoms, what life is like having the disorder, treatment, and who can get it.

46 Create Come up with either a poster/ flyer/ slogan/ jingle/PSA/video promoting mental health awareness How can we break the stigma? Why is it important to be aware of mental health and talk about it?

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