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1 Mental Disorders EQ: How can having a mental disorder harm family relationships?

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1 1 Mental Disorders EQ: How can having a mental disorder harm family relationships?

2 2 Mental Disorders Mental Disorder – a behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with distress or disability with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability or an important loss of freedom

3 3 A Guide to Mental Disorders Anxiety disorders – disorders in which real or imagined threats prevent a person from enjoying life  General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) – Chronic or long-lasting state of anxiety, fear and tension  Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) – a disorder in which a person has persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images and engages in certain rituals

4 4 Anxiety Disorders Continued Panic Disorders – a disorder in which feelings of terror strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning  Panic attack – a period of intense fear accompanied by bodily changes Increased heart rate, weakness, faintness, dizziness Specific phobias – a disorder in which there is excessive fear of certain objects, situations or people that pose little or no actual danger

5 5 Anxiety Disorders Continued Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia – a disorder in which a person is overly anxious and self-conscious in everyday social situations Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – A disorder in which aftereffects of a terrifying event keep a person from living in a normal way

6 6 Cognitive disorders Cognitive Disorder – a disorder in which a person’s brain deteriorates in function  Dementia – a condition in which brain deterioration affects memory, language and reasoning Differs from forgetfulness, associated with aging, tiredness, and depression Alzheimer’s disease is a common cause of dimentia

7 7 Conduct Disorder Conduct Disorder – a disorder in which a person regularly violates the rights of others and breaks social rules  People with conduct disorders Bully Start fights Cruel to animals Damage property Steal Set fires

8 8 Can you see a difference?

9 9 How about here?

10 10 How do… How do advertisements like these lead to harmful behaviors? Can mental disorders occur from viewing such images?

11 11 Eating Disorders Eating Disorder – a mental disorder in which a person has a compelling need to starve, to binge or to binge and purge Anorexia Nervosa – an eating disorder in which a person starves his or her body and weighs 15% or more below the healthful body weight for his/her age/gender  Distorted Body Image  Overly thin although they see themselves as fat  Obsess over weight  Over Exercise  Use of laxatives or diuretics

12 12 Eating Disorders Bulimia – an eating disorder in which a person binges and purges Binge eating disorder – a disorder in which people binge on large quantities of food  Increase a person’s risk for obesity and chronic diseases

13 13 Mood Disorders Mood Disorders – mental disorders involving moods that are extreme  Clinical Depression – characterized by long- lasting feelings of hopelessness, sadness or helplessness  Bipolar Disorder – A disorder in which a person’s moods vary from extreme happiness to extreme depression  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – A type of depression that occurs when a person has reduced exposure to sunlight

14 14 Personality Disorders Personality Disorders – Disorders in which a person’s patterns of thinking, feeling and acting interfere with daily living  Antisocial Personality Disorder – a personality disorder in which a person’s patterns of behavior are in conflict with society Hateful, aggressive, irritable  Borderline Personality Disorder – a disorder in which a person has sudden changes in mood, relationships and behaviors IMPULSIVE Sudden changes in feelings from love to anger High rates of self injury

15 15 Schizophrenia Schizophrenia – a disorder in which there is a breakdown in logical thought processes  The breakdown results in unusual behaviors Delusions Hallucinations Distorted perception of reality Not curable, treated with medication

16 16 Somatoform Disorders Somatoform – a disorder in which a person has symptoms of disease but no physical cause can be found  Hypochondria – a disorder in which a person is constantly worried about illness

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