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The Age of Jackson Power Point Answer Key.

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1 The Age of Jackson Power Point Answer Key

2 Jacksonian Democracy Main Idea 1: Democracy expended in the 1800’s as more Americans held the right to vote. Large scale factories replaced workshops in the North; family farms gave way to cotton plantations in the South. Small farmers, slave owners and frontiersman backed Jackson because they believed he would defend the rights of the common man and slave states. More people voted in the early 1800’s because many states dropped the property requirement. Party leaders and members could vote in nominating conventions. Jacksonian Democracy was the period of expanding democracy during Jackson’s presidency. Jackson won the Election of 1828.

3 Jacksonian Democracy Main Idea 2: Jackson’s victory in the Election of 1828 marked a change in American politics. The spoils system is the rewarding of political supporters with government jobs. Martin VanBuren was Jackson’s closest advisor. The Kitchen Cabinet was a group of trusted advisors to Andrew Jackson- they sometimes met in the White House kitchen.

4 Jackson’s Administration
Main Idea 1: Regional differences grew during Jackson’s presidency. North South West Economy based on manufacturing. Support fro tariffs- help protect Northern industry. Economy based on agriculture. Opposed tariffs- made goods more expensive. Growing economy Supports internal improvements and sale of public land.

5 Jackson’s Administration
Main Idea 1: Regional differences grew during Jackson’s presidency. The North wanted a tariff because it would protect their industry against foreign competition. The South opposed the tariff because it made goods more expensive and hurt their economy. The tariff was called the Tariff of Abominations.

6 Jackson’s Administration
Main Idea 2: The rights of the states were debated amid arguments about a national tariff. The question of whether a state had the right to disregard a law passed by Congress. Vice-president John C. Calhoun supported the South. State’s Rights Doctrine is the state’s power is greater than the Federal government’s power because states had formed the federal government. Webster argued that the US was one nation, not a pact of individual states. Jackson urged Congress to pass a lower tariff law in 1832. The South enacted the Nullification Act to cancel the Tariff of 1828 and 1832.

7 Jackson’s Administration
Main Idea 3: Jackson’s attack on the bank sparked controversy. Jackson opposed the second Bank of the US because he believed it was unconstitutional. Southern states opposed the tariff because they believed it only helped the wealthy. The supreme Court ruled in McCulloch v. Maryland that the national bank was unconstitutional. In 1832, Jackson vetoed the renewal of the National Bank’s charter.

8 Jackson’s Administration
Main Idea 4: Jackson’s policies led to the Panic of 1837. Jackson put funds in state banks. In order to slow inflation, Jackson ordered Americans to use only gold and silver. Jackson’s plan did not work. In 1836, Martin VanBuren ran for president. The Panic of 1837 was an severe economic depression. William Henry Harrison won the Election of 1840.

9 Indian Removal Main Idea 1: The Indian Removal Act authorized the relocation of Native Americans west of the Mississippi. The Indian Removal Act called for the removal of all Native Americans east of the Mississippi River and relocate them to the west. Indian Territory was in present-day Oklahoma. Congress created the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Choctaw: first to be sent west; lost 7.5 million acres of land; ¼ died moving west Creek: resisted moving, but were captured and forced west. Chickasaw: negotiated a treaty for better supplies, but many died.

10 Indian Removal Main Idea 2: Cherokee resistance to removal led to disagreement between Jackson and the Supreme Court. Sequoya developed a writing system. In Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee. Jackson sided with Georgia and took no action to enforce the Supreme Court’s decision. The Trail of Tears was the forced march of Native American to lands west of the Mississippi River in which many died.

11 Indian Removal Main Idea 3: Other Native Americans resisted removal with force. Black Hawk fought instead of leaving the Illinois. Osceola led his followers in the second Seminole War on Florida. The result of the Seminole War is that hundreds of Seminoles were killed and 4,000 were removed from Florida to the west.

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