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Unit #10 Grain Products.

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1 Unit #10 Grain Products

2 Learning Targets Describe how food is made from grains.
Explain how the processing of grains can affect their nutritional value. Name and describe six grains used around the world. Explain what to look for when buying grain products. Describe how to prepare grains for eating.

3 Grain Sourcing and Harvesting
Grains are a versatile, nutritious, flavorful addition to meals. Grains: Plants in the grass family cultivated for their fruits and seeds. Kernels: Small, separate dry fruits produced by grains comprised of three parts; the bran, endosperm, and germ; covered with a hull. Bran: The edible, outer layer of the kernel. Endosperm: The largest part of the kernel, which is made of proteins and starches that supply the plant with food. Germ: The seed that grows into a new plant. Hull: An inedible outer coat that is removed after harvesting.

4 Nutrients in Grains Whole-grains are rich in many nutrient including:
Carbohydrates Proteins Dietary Fiber B vitamins Minerals Unsaturated Fats Vitamin E Iron Zinc Phytochemicals Whole-Grain: Products made from the entire kernel and contain most of the original nutrients. Grains bran and germ are often removed during processing, leaving only the endosperm, creating white flour. Removing the bran and germ removes most of the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and dietary fiber.

5 Grains and Grain Products
Popular grains in North America are: Wheat: One of the oldest cereal grains. Rice: The starchy seed of plants grown in flooded fields in warm climates. Corn Oats Many other grains are used around the world: Amaranth Barley Millet Rye Teff Wild Rice

6 Buying and Storing Grains
When buying grains, choose whole-grain products as often as possible. Products that are not whole-grain should be enriched. Look for products that are low in fat, sugar, an sodium. Read labels carefully to be sure you are getting the product that you want. Store grains properly to maintain their freshness.

7 Convenience Forms of Grains
Convenience forms of grains make preparation of grain dishes easy: Breakfast Cereals Breads: Leavened Bread: Bread made with a leavening agent. Flat Bread: Any bread that is unleavened, or made without leavenings. Whole Wheat: The product is made from the whole wheat grain. Convenience forms of grains take less time to cook than regular forms.

8 Preparing Grains and Grain Products
Grains must be cooked in liquid, but specific cooking methods and times vary: Pasta is boiled. Al Dente: To cook so that the pasta is firm to the bite Rice is simmered. Other grains are cooked much like rice.

9 Bibliography Kowtaluk, H. (2010). “Foods for today.” Glenc0e-McGraw Hill; New York.

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