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To Sixth Grade!!! 2015/16 WELCOME.  Contact me at or Call at 480- 541-6108  is the best way to get in touch with me.  Expect.

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Presentation on theme: "To Sixth Grade!!! 2015/16 WELCOME.  Contact me at or Call at 480- 541-6108  is the best way to get in touch with me.  Expect."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Sixth Grade!!! 2015/16 WELCOME

2  Contact me at or Call at 480- 541-6108  E-mail is the best way to get in touch with me.  Expect up to 24 hours for response

3  Students need to have a composition or spiral notebook, colored pencils, pencil, red pen, and folder for Science papers. Accordion folder can be used in place of folder.

4 Planners White board Website

5 It’s important to check the whiteboard everyday. Class assignments will be written in blue, homework assignments will be written in green, and tests will be written in red. Back

6  Grades are weighted.  80% Assessment  Tests & Quizzes  Projects  Lab Reports  20% Class Work and Homework

7 Projects Projects are marked down 10% each day for three days. After three days it’s a zero. Tests ---Study guides and notes are provided for test. In most cases the study guides or notes are given a week before the tests. Homework and Classwork Full credit can be earned for work submitted on time. Any work submitted late will receive a zero.

8  Students who are absent should check the website or their agendas for details. You receive one day to make up work for each day you are absent. We do make exceptions.  If students are gone for a few days please notify the teachers and office ahead of time.

9  Students who receive 3 tardies during the quarter will get a lunch detention and a call home.  Students who receive 3 more tardies will receive a conduct referral from Administration.  Tardies will be given by teachers from 2 nd – 7 th period.

10  Question  Plan and conduct investigations  Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather data  Think critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations  Communicate results

11 1 st Quarter Scientific Inquiry Lab Safety Measurement Cells Micr0life

12  Explain the importance of water to organisms  Describe the basic structure of a cell  Describe the function of cell parts  Differentiate between plant and animal cells

13 2 nd Quarter Human Body Plants

14  R espiration – gills, lungs  D igestion – stomach, intestines  C irculation – heart, veins, arteries, capillaries  L ocomotion – muscles, skeleton Animals

15  D escribe how the nervous system interacts with these systems:  Respiration  Digestion  Circulation  Locomotion  E xplain how the human body contracts and fights illnesses and diseases.

16  T ranspiration – stomata, roots, xylem, phloem  A bsorption – roots, xylem, phloem  R esponse to stimulus (phototropism, hydrotropism, geotropism) – roots, xylem, phloem

17 3 rd Quarter  Renewable  Nonrenewable  Transfer of energy Energy & Science and It’s Impact on Society

18 Energy  Renewable and nonrenewable resources  Ways energy can be stored and transformed  How thermal energy can be transferred

19  C ompare the pros and cons of alternate energy sources and the technology behind them.  E xplain why all energy sources should be conserved.

20 4 th Quarter  D escribe layers of the atmosphere  S tructures of lakes, rivers, oceans  W ater cycle  W eather Earth’s Processes and Systems

21  D escribe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment.  U nderstand the impact of technology.

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