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Go Over Scavenger Hunt Where can you find the classroom set of markers and colored pencils? – Cabinets by Door What time does this class period begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Go Over Scavenger Hunt Where can you find the classroom set of markers and colored pencils? – Cabinets by Door What time does this class period begin."— Presentation transcript:


2 Go Over Scavenger Hunt Where can you find the classroom set of markers and colored pencils? – Cabinets by Door What time does this class period begin and end? What do you do when you come into the classroom? – Pick Up Papers, Sit Down with materials, Read board Where do we go in case of a tornado? – Behind 8 th Grade Student Services

3 Go Over Scavenger Hunt When are you considered tardy? – If you are not in your seat ready to learn when the bell rings Are you allowed in the Science prep room? – No Where do you go in case of a code red? – Corner of the room by the shower Where do you sharpen your pencil? – Corner by the Safety Goggles

4 Go Over Scavenger Hunt Is gum, candy, food or drinks allowed in this class? – No What do you bring to class daily? – Binder, Packet, Writing Utensil Are items or materials on the teacher’s desk available for your use? – No What do you do if you have a question? – Ask 3 Before Me

5 Go Over Scavenger Hunt Where do you turn in homework? – Front Table How long is this class period? – 42 Minutes Where is the recycle bin? – Front by the door Are you allowed to touch the emergency shower? – Only in emergencies

6 Go Over Scavenger Hunt How are you released from class every day? – By me How do you leave the room in case of a fire? – Quietly / Calmly without any of your things Where do you locate absent work? – On Homework Hotline / Science Website Where are the safety glasses located? – Corner of the room in cabinet

7 Go Over Scavenger Hunt Are devices allowed in this room? – Only with my permission Where do you pick up graded papers? – Front Table What do you do if you don’t know the homework assignment? – Homework Hotline, Ask Teacher, Ask Friend What do you do if you know you are going on a field trip? – Let me know BEFORE you go. – See me at the beginning of class when you get back

8 Topics for the Year Chemistry Natural Selection / Artificial Selection Renewable / Non- renewable Resources Waves Weather

9 Grades Homework  10 % Quizzes  15 % Labs / Projects  25 % Tests  50 %

10 Homework 3-4 Nights a Week Started in class, finished at home Expectations – Completed in Full – On Time – Done for Practice/Understanding – Working together / Copying

11 Homework Policy Late Work – 1 st Offense Teacher conference with student – 2 nd Offense Phone Contact – 3 rd Offense Team Detention – 4 th Offense Dean’s referral Late work can still be turned in for points until the end of the unit

12 Quizzes 2-4 Quizzes a month 5-25 Points Check for Understanding

13 Tests 50-100 Points 1-2 Per Unit Quia / Written Variety of Formats – Multiple Choice – Matching – Short Answer

14 Studying for Tests Study Guide – Guide! – Doesn’t include all of the information Previous Quizzes Labs / Activities / Homework Assignments Before or After School Help / Email

15 Tardy Policy When the bell rings, you must be in your seat! 1 st offense – Verbal Warning 2 nd offense – Verbal Warning and Student Conference 3 rd & 4 th offenses – Team detention and parent contact 5 th offense - Referral

16 What to Bring to Class Binder with Packet Writing Utensil Questions Open Mind Positive Attitude

17 Cell Phone Policy All electronics including cellphones and ipods, headphones and earbuds, must be off and out of sight during the day. Unless given permission by the teacher (YOU CANNOT ASK) No social media No games – 1 st offense – Verbal Warning – 2 nd offense – Teacher keeps phone and contacts parents – 3 rd offense – Teacher keeps phone, contacts parents, and assigns a detention

18 How To Get Information Homework Hotline Science Website – PDF’s of Worksheets – Reviews – Videos Remind101 – Text Reminders for Homework and Assessments Email –

19 What to do when absent? Let me know BEFORE you miss a day if possible Check Homework Hotline Email me with questions See me before class starts the day you return

20 Advanced versus Regular Faster Pace More In-Depth Genius Hour – Independent Research Project Tests – Short Answer / Essay Based / Application

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