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Kick Off October 10, 2013 What is a Renaissance Man/Woman? Give an example of a Renaissance Man/Woman from the 2010s. What makes them a Renaissance Man/Woman?

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Presentation on theme: "Kick Off October 10, 2013 What is a Renaissance Man/Woman? Give an example of a Renaissance Man/Woman from the 2010s. What makes them a Renaissance Man/Woman?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kick Off October 10, 2013 What is a Renaissance Man/Woman? Give an example of a Renaissance Man/Woman from the 2010s. What makes them a Renaissance Man/Woman?

2 Objectives Understand how changes in society and in cities stimulated the beginning of the Renaissance Analyze the ideas that formed the foundation of the Italian Renaissance Discuss contributions that artists made to the Renaissance

3 Secular Writers Church no longer seen as source of stability People turned to humanism ▫Secular (worldly) Renaissance Man can do anything (a thinker and a doer) Niccolo Machiavelli ▫The Prince  Book on how to rule  “The ends justifies the means”

4 What do you look for in a leader? Think of some leaders. What qualities do they have that makes them a good leader?

5 How do leaders get things done? What skills/traits/powers do they need?

6 The Prince “Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved…” “men … are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life and children … but they can turn against you.”




10 The Prince Do you think it’s better to be loved, or feared? Write a one-paragraph response answering the question in your notebook.

11 AGREE/DISAGREE It’s better to be loved, rather than feared.

12 Did the opinions of others change your thinking? Add another three sentences to your half-page response, reflecting on what you heard from others. What was your favorite point that someone else made? Was there a point that really challenged your thinking?

13 Renaissance Art Medici family of Florence was important patron (supporter) of the arts Realistic Subjects shifted away from religion Buildings followed Greek & Roman design

14 Type of ArtFamous Works Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo Raphael Bramante Compete the graphic organizer using page 443.

15 The Renaissance Spreads North Trading networks spread across Europe Invention of printing press by Gutenberg helped spread ideas as wellprinting press

16 Answer these questions about the Gutenberg Press 1.What kind of printing was used before moveable type? 2.How long would it take for one scribe to transcribe a copy of the Bible? 3.How many copies of the Gutenberg Bible did Gutenberg originally print?

17 Partner Activity Glue/tape the graphic organizer into your notebook. Use your textbook to answer the questions about the famous figures and ideas of the Renaissance. When you’re done, you can continue to work on your vocabulary words.

18 Science of the Renaissance Translated Arab texts provided wealth of knowledge Challenged church teachings ▫Copernicus ▫Galileo

19 Philosophers and Writers Sir Thomas More ▫Utopia: Considered a perfect society based on humanistic idea of reason William Shakespeare ▫English playwright ▫Plays helped spread Renaissance ideas to mass audience Christine de Pisan ▫Focused on the role of women in society

20 Artists of the Northern Renaissance Albrecht Durer ▫Realism and perspective ▫Unlike Italians, painted in oil Jan van Eyck ▫Flemish painter ▫Landscapes ▫Used symbolism Pieter Brueghel the Elder ▫Showed scenes from everyday life


22 The Arnolfini Wedding, Jan van Eyck


24 What led to the Renaissance? Decline of Feudalism Development of the Renaissance

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