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The Reformation Begins Comunicación y Gerencia Unit 2 / Note Page 6 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reformation Begins Comunicación y Gerencia Unit 2 / Note Page 6 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reformation Begins Comunicación y Gerencia Unit 2 / Note Page 6 1

2 Church Problems Causes of the Reformation: Calls for reforms Questions about Church Authority Great Schism - Had two popes at one time 2

3 Church Immorality – Sinful priest and leaders Clerical Ignorance – Lack knowledge, Pluralism - Absenteeism meaning the priest accepted numerous “assigned” areas / parishes that were their responsibilities and got paid for those areas they were suppose to care for but most times never showed up for work. 3

4 Indulgences Church leaders lived lavish lives supported by church donations / tithes. Church authorized sale of indulgences to raise funds and help sinners Indulgences were a method of penance for one’s sins. 4

5 Selling Salvation John Tetzel was a monk authorized to sell indulgences on behalf of the Church His favorite saying was “As soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs!” - Meaning once your money hit the collection jar, your soul was safe from Purgatory. Tetzel begins selling indulgences to people in Wittenberg, Germany. 5

6 Martin Luther Martin Luther, German monk and religious professor in Wittenberg Luther began to question his salvation and through intense study of the Bible came to these beliefs. 6

7 Salvation only possible through faith – In Jesus Christ as your savior It is a gift from God – It can not be earned with good deeds… –E–Example you can’t be sinful all your life and then expect a few good deeds to get you off the hook at the last minute. Salvation can not be won or bought – buying indulgences doesn’t not get you into heaven 7

8 Church Philosophy How is a person to achieve salvation? Church Tradition – this is the way its always been done so why change??? 1. Faith – In church & Bible…. 2. Good deeds – earn your way in 3. Sacred Sacraments – baptism, confession, last rites. 4. Monastic Life – Monks & Nuns 8

9 95 Theses Martin Luther objects to the sale of salvation through indulgences. Believed it would corrupt the true faith of Christians and that salvation could not be bought. 9

10 1517, Luther writes letter to church authorities protesting the use of indulgences. – Ignored… 95 Theses – list of wrongs with Catholic Church Posted on the door of the Church- He really just wanted Church officials to debate / discuss them with him. Remember he is a college professor. 10

11 Luther Causes a Crisis Luther’s objections soon become public debate. Challenged Church traditions and the office of the Papacy (Papacy is term for Pope’s office / job). By 1519, Luther expands controversy by rejecting the authority of the Pope. - Only God has authority over people’s lives. Luther banned and ex-communicated from the Church, 1521 11

12 Diet of Worms Charles V summons Luther – put him on trial for his beliefs Diet of Worms, 1521 - took place inWorms, Germany Luther refuses to recant his beliefs and is deemed an outlaw – he walks out of trial and refuses to come back, calls it a joke. Luther is protected by local lord – He goes into hiding, protected by a power noble 12

13 Lutheranism grows quickly in Northern Europe The idea that anyone can get into heaven appeals to many people. You don’t have to buy forgiveness. Luther taught that you could have a personal relationship with God and not have to use a priest as your messenger. He also said more honest men would be attracted to church if they were allowed to marry. Men and women should be wed and have children with God’s blessing. 13

14 Religious Warfare Charles V can not suppress its growth War breaks out over religion throughout Germany - in 1547 –G–German is divided up into small chunks ruled by individual princes under the limited control of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V –A–About half the Princes side with Luther – they “Protest” against the Church, others side with Emperor Charles V. –F–From this “protest” we get the term Protestant. 14

15 15

16 The war drags out over several years. Finally settled with... The Peace of Augsburg, 1555 –E–Each local ruler / prince chooses his religion for his people 16

17 Video Clips YouTube Clip – Education Portal “Martin Luther, the 95 Theses and the Birth of the Protestant Reformation” 17

18 Now hear this... With the “protest” by the German local princes, we know have a new term. Protestant - A Christian that is not Catholic is a Protestant!!!! It is a generic / umbrella term. That covers Baptist, Methodist, Lutherans, Amish, Presbyterians, etc….. 18

19 So if we were to chart it out… Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church Protestant Church Eastern Orthodox Church Great Schism Of 1056 AD Started by Peter and lasted till 1056 AD Reformation by Luther in 1517 19

20 One new religion will become known as Calvinism. Calvinism was founded by a gentleman named John Calvin. He took Luther’s teachings and added in some pretty new radical ideas. 20

21 Calvinism John Calvin described a totally new branch of Christian beliefs Stressed the Bible Theory of Predestination -- “the elect” –G–God selects a few people to get into Heaven, it is “predetermined” before your birth. So only the elect few will make it into Heaven. 21

22 –D–Development of a theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland – Calvin was invited to become their leader. –R–Remember a theocracy is a gov’t ruled or run by a religious leaders / church. Citizens lives were strictly controlled Church and State were the same Trying to est. “Utopia” on earth!!! 22

23 Many found Calvinism too strict, take a glance at the pic below to give you some insight into Calvinism. Even I don’t understand it all…. 23

24 French Calvinists Okay, let me really confuse you, in Switzerland, followers of John Calvin are referred to as Calvinist. In FRANCE, they are Huguenots. I am sure there is a reason why, but hey were talking about the French so who really cares…… 24

25 French Calvinist Many nobles converted to Calvinism, called Huguenots, Possible threat to the Catholic Monarchy – The King of France was Catholic and it made him very nervous when a lot of his nobles converted to Calvinism. He was afraid war would break out in France like it did in Germany over Catholic / Protestant issue…. 25

26 French Calvinist St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 1572 Thousands of Huguenots killed in France – St. Barth. Day is a Catholic holiday, everyone got drunk and decided to mob together to go kill those pesky Huguenots. The riots / massacre spread across the country and lasted for up to six months. 26

27 By the end, an est. 12,000 Huguenots were brutally murdered by Catholic mobs. Civil war develops in France Henry IV issued the Edict of Nantes in 1598 to give some freedom of worship. Henry of Navarre was later crowned Henry IV 27

28 This is how Europe looked in terms religious divisions by 1560 AD and its all thanks to a German monk known by the name Martin Luther. 28

29 End of Unit 2 / Note Page 6 “The Reformation Begins” 29

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