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1-Cognitive development –Piaget 2-Discovery learning theory- Bruner 3-Meaningful V. L -Ausubel 4-social constructivism- Vygotsky.

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1 1-Cognitive development –Piaget 2-Discovery learning theory- Bruner 3-Meaningful V. L -Ausubel 4-social constructivism- Vygotsky

2  Developmental psychology theory  It was considered children and adults are thinking same way(until well to the 20 th century)  Children are active thinkers who are constantly thinking to construct more accurate and advanced understanding of the world around them.  Genetics-origin-birth of knowledge  According to Piaget children build increasing knowledge through two process Assimilation & Accommodation

3 ASSIMILATION Is incorporated into ACCOMMODATION Produces change in New Knowledge Existing Knowledge Structure(Sc hemas) New Knowledge Existing Knowledge Structure(Sc hemas)

4  Schema: a piece of knowledge  Equilibration: schemas changes from one stage to another for maintaining balance between the person and his environment.  Disequilibrium: Unbalance….  Adaptation: an adaptation is a physical/behavioural characterics that has developed to allow an organism to better survive in its environment.  Cognitive structure: It is a reservoir contains all items of knowledge  Reversibility: It is a process where reversing an action mentally. Irreversabilit y-inability


6  The facts and relationship children discover through their own explorations will be more usable and these will tend to be better retained than material they have merely committed to memory.  Student is a discoverer/afer getting a pblmtc stn.  Doesn’t mean everything has done the learner himself, but teacher acts as a guide.

7  Spiral curriculum: in which students repeat the study of a subject at different class levels  Much deeper  At increased difficulty  Discovery learning is a method of inquiry- based instruction.  Believes that it is best to learners to discover facts and relationships for themselves.

8  Takes place in a problem solving situation where, Learner uses his Present and Past knowledge to discover facts and relationships. ADVANTAGES Encourages active engagement Promotes motivation Promotes autonomy, responsibility and independence. Advanced learning experience.

9 1-Observation 2-Attribute analysis 3-Comparison 4-Classification 5-Genaralisation CONDITIONS FOR DISCOVERY LEARNING/TEACHERS ROLE 1:Activation= motivation -> leads to action->leads to discovery 2:Maintanance=providing a conducive atmosphere fore discovery 3:Direction=Extension of guidance leading to correct course of action

10  Advance organizer-introductory ideas which are inclusive to all information that has to be learnt(facts, concepts, examples etc).  Meaningful verbal learning=prior learning has much more important while introducing a new concept.  Cognitive structure should be considered- whether sufficient pre-requisite available or not.

11  1:EXPOSITORYORGANIZER Advanced organizer=providing new information with the help of serving appropriate prerequisite knowledge. 2 : COMPARATIVE ORGANIZERS : these type of organizers build external connections with the existing knowledge.

12 THE LINKING PROCESS OF SUBSUMED 2 SUBSUMER IS KNOWN AS SUBSUMPTION Two types of subsumption 1:Derivative subsumption:Assimilation 2:Correlative subsumption; Accommodation Priniciples of meaningful verbal learning 1:Progressive Differenciation: General to specific 2:Integrative Reconciliation: Deliberate linking of new ideas with earlier. + SUBSUMER(PRI OR KNOWLEDGE) SUBSUMED(NEW KNOWLEDGE)

13  Social constructivism preferred social context contrary to piagets individual approach It is quite impossible to separate learning from its social context. Learning is not simply the assimilation and accommodation, it is the process by which learners are integrated to new knowledge community. Social level and individual level functions leads to cultural development of child. b/w people-interpsychological-social level Inside the child-intrapsychological-individual level


15  It helps us to recognize what children will be able to understand with help.  To know,What children can do their own.  Chance for Collaborative learning.  ZPD:-the wide gap b/w the levels of actual development and that of potential development.  Importance of language  Scaffolding: The assistance given by the teacher to the students to accomplish the tasks they are not able to perform alone.

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