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Chapter 11 Review.

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1 Chapter 11 Review

2 Timeline Bad harvests and food shortages 1787
Storming of the Bastille July 14, 1789 National Assembly adopts Declaration of the Rights of Man 1789 King Louis XVI executed 1793 Reign of Terror Napoleon takes part in coup d’état 1799 Napoleon crowned emperor 1804 Napoleon defeated at Waterloo 1815

3 Which estate was the largest?
You should be able to explain the estate system of pre-revolutionary France. (p. 330): Which estate was the largest? The Third Estate Which estates were exempt from the taille (taxes)? the first and second Who was included in each estate? 1st-clergy 2nd- Nobles 3rd- commoners (not all poor, this included wealthy bourgeoisie)

4 After leaving the meeting what did they begin calling themselves?
What issue caused the Third Estate to leave the Estates-General meeting on May 5, 1789? Unfair voting practices After leaving the meeting what did they begin calling themselves? National Assembly What oath did they swear? Tennis Court Oath, oath to continue meeting until a constitution was written What documents helped inspire the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? American Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the English Bill of Rights

5 What happened on October 5, 1789? (p. 333 under the King Concedes)
Who wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen? Olympe de Gouges What happened on October 5, 1789? (p. 333 under the King Concedes) March on Versailles, Parisian women march to the palace and force the king and his family to come to Paris and accept the Declaration of the Rights of Man. What is the nickname used for members of the Paris Commune? Sans-culottes

6 What is the Committee of Public Safety?
What happened to King Louis XVI? Tried and convicted of conspiring against liberty. Beheaded on guillotine. What is the Committee of Public Safety? Committee of 12 created by National Assembly and given broad powers. Meant to defend France from Foreign and domestic threats Who led this group? 1st-Georges Danton 2nd (most important)- Maximilien Robespierre

7 What was the Reign of Terror?
A campaign led by the Committee of Public Safety to prosecute internal enemies of the revolutionary republic. Close to 4,000 people were killed 16,000 of them by guillotine When? Who was involved? CPS led by Robespierre. Among those killed the queen and Olympe de Gogues

8 Back to the Committee of Public Safety, obviously their involvement in the Reign of Terror was bad, but what good things did they accomplish? Opened schools Promoted education Taught agricultural skills Introduced wage and price controls Tried to unite Catholics, deists, and nonbelievers by worshiping “Superior Being”

9 What happened in 1799 to change the course of French history?
What was the Directory? The government in France between Led by 5 wealthy middle class men and included a bicameral legislature. Put down revolts and ended universal male suffrage. Weakened by bankruptcy and moral scandals. What happened in 1799 to change the course of French history? Napoleon Bonaparte led a coup d’état and seized power.

10 What new government was formed with Napoleon’s take over?
consulate Be familiar with the leadership roles of Napoleon- Lieutenant, then appointed General by Committee of public safety, after takeover he was first consul, then he declared himself consul for life, and finally he crowned himself Emperor. What was the Concordat of 1801? An agreement made with the Pope, recognizing Catholicism as the official religion of the majority of French people

11 What is important about the Civil Code or Napoleonic Code?
Napoleon’s most famous domestic achievement (there is a lot of info on this in YOUR notes that you should be familiar with… 2 slides from powerpoint) What is the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar British navy defeats France, remained independent

12 What was the Continental System?
An attempt by Napoleon to hurt the British, ordered his European nations to stop all trade with Great Britain What happened when Napoleon invaded Russia? He failed. Where is Napoleon captured? Waterloo What happened to Napoleon after he was replaced? Exiled to an island. (why not execute him like the king??) Who replaced him? Louis XVIII

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