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1 The Federal Geospatial Platform CEOS WGISS September 2015 Brian McLeod, CCMEO.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Federal Geospatial Platform CEOS WGISS September 2015 Brian McLeod, CCMEO."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Federal Geospatial Platform CEOS WGISS September 2015 Brian McLeod, CCMEO

2 2 Context: The Importance of Geospatial Data … Canada  Estimated contribution of $20.7B to GDP annually  Open geospatial data has stimulated $600M in productivity improvements Around The World  England & Wales: Estimated £320M impact to public service delivery in 2008-09  New Zealand: $1.2B (NZ) increase in productivity in 2008  Australia: Estimated impact between $6.43B to 12.6B (AUS) in 2006-07  Global Geo Services estimated to be larger than video game industry  GEO Key to unlocking resource potential in the oceans and on the land… “ Data is Canada’s new natural resource”… Treasury Board Minister, Tony Clement, July 2012 …and ensuring the government’s geospatial data is managed effectively is essential to decision-making, innovation, and productivity “…countries with the best data will win…” Kevin Lynch

3 3 Context: Geospatial Data: A widely used national resource… Numerous challenges in using this asset however:  Sharing, and integration of cross-disciplinary “trusted” data across the federal family and with partners is limited – technology, standards, licensing barriers  Lack of coordination in acquiring acquisition and use of geospatial information, services, technology, and expertise by departments and agencies have not been well coordinated (e.g., Wildfires mapping)  No existing inventory of federal geospatial data assets, and no way to identify data gaps and needs at the enterprise level  GEO evolves very quickly, within a tight fiscal context, aging infrastructure and public service demographic – innovation and efficiency is required  We are better at sharing among provinces and territories than we are within the department. Examples of Geospatial Data Use. …to support national objectives & citizen well-being

4 4 A three-year Government of Canada (GC) Initiative taking place between 2014 and 2017 that:  Supports horizontal efforts to advance economic growth, social cohesion, well-being, and environmental management  Will fundamentally change the way the GC shares, uses, and manages geospatial assets to better support the delivery of programs and services  Facilitates a coordinated approach to geospatial thereby reducing duplication of efforts in acquisition and management of geospatial data, tools, and services  Focus on getting the right data right  Involves 21 GC departments and agencies of the Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations (also known as the FCGEO) Context: About the Federal Geospatial Platform Initiative… Vision: Geo-enabling the Federal Government The vision means:  Leveraging the power of location and geography within workflows and business processes  Sharing the best technology and data to produce applications and services which support decision-making  Allowing non-technical users to discover, access and use geospatial information to produce their own maps  Making the most relevant and current triple “A” geospatial information available to our leaders, analysts, and scientists to support decision-making  Open geospatial information, services and applications are presented to the public coherently

5 5 Strong Whole-of-Government Governance… 5  Federal Committee on Geomatics and Earth Observations (FCGEO) championing the FGP (with members from 21 federal departments)  Strong departmental participation in governance structure  Decision-making based on clear accountabilities and responsibilities, and departmental input  True enterprise approach; recognized in 2013 by Clerk of Privy Council and DMs of Board of Renewal Statistics: -Over 100 consultation meetings with multiple stakeholders -Key Senior Managers (ADMs – DMs) briefed: -FCGEO, MPMO, Brd of Mgmt Renewal, SSC, ESDC -Federal CIO Community was briefed -Quarterly meetings with FCGEO ADMs -Interdepartmental engagement meetings FGP Executive Sponsor: DM FGP Management Board (FCGEO & Dept's - ADMs/DGs) FCGEO FGP Core Project Team (Director & Manager from Dept's) Data Integration; Client Services; Data Management; Policy & Standards FGP Client Board of Directors (from FCGEO & Dept's - Directors) Working Groups, Subcommittees (from FCGEO & Dept's - Resources)

6 6 Context: The FGP in a nutshell…  Best possible pathway for GC Spatial Analytics  Use of common suite of GC- wide tools  Users can search, discover, access, and visualize data to support informed decision-making  Has a comprehensive collection of “Triple-A Data”  Accurate, Authoritative, and Accessible geospatial data that can be viewed, used, and shared  Shared governance and management  Sharing of geospatial assets and capabilities, through operational standards and policies  Client centric design The FGP will support the Government of Canada’s outcome area of Strong Economic Growth – National to local perspectives Trusted data, visualized together for faster and more accurate decision- making  streamlined review process  strengthened environmental protection  enhanced consultations with Aboriginal peoples  stronger economy – job creation Outcomes FGP: Data Repository, Catalogue, Web Services Policies & Standards Interoperability Authoritativeness Map layers based on data from several departments Online Decision Support Tools Example of the FGP in Action: Responsible Resource Development

7 7 Annex: FGP geospatial data by theme…

8 8 Next Steps October 2015  Release 1 - Initial functionalities – repository, catalogue, and viewer  Training begins for departments on integrating their geospatial data within the FGP January – March 2016  Future Year 2 releases: new features and functionalities added to FGP - repository, catalogue, viewer, collaborative mapping environment, internal/external web presence −Make regular improvements to enhance overall usability and user experience Ongoing  Undertake sustained engagements and outreach with stakeholders to: −Onboard new partners to assist with implementing the FGP (e.g., CBSA, ESDC, NavCan, PWGSC) −Solicit new data opportunities for inclusion in the FGP −Showcase the power of the FGP to the senior management and policy communities

9 9 Questions? General Inquiries:

10 10  Judith Bossé, Assistant Deputy Minister, Earth Sciences Sector Co-chair, FCGEO and FGP Management Board judith.bossé judith.bossé  Prashant Shukle, Director General, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation Co-Chair, FCGEO Shadow Committee 613-759-1196  David Harper, Director of the Federal Geospatial Platform Initiative 613-694-2542  General Inquiries: Contact Information

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