Miss Compton’s Kindergarten Class. Greeting, unpack, small groups while others work independently. Calendar and ELA Lunch Recess Math Specials Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Compton’s Kindergarten Class. Greeting, unpack, small groups while others work independently. Calendar and ELA Lunch Recess Math Specials Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Compton’s Kindergarten Class

2 Greeting, unpack, small groups while others work independently. Calendar and ELA Lunch Recess Math Specials Social Studies/Science Centers Pack up to go home Daily Schedule

3 Schedule P.E. – Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 12:45 Music - Wednesday, and Thursday Art-Friday at 12:45 Library - Thursday at 9:30 Lunch - 10:55 – 11:25 Recess 11:30-12:00

4 Attendance We were disappointed that Kreinhop did not meet our attendance goals last year and it hurt us in many areas. This year we have set new goals and are working hard to meet them and need everyone’s help. Please have your children at school each day. Being on time and remaining in school for the entire school day is a critical part of student success. We teach from bell to bell at Kreinhop. (8:15-3:10!)

5 Tardies and Absences Students are tardy if they are not in the class at 8:20 when the bell rings. Students are absent if they are not in their class at 9:45 when the bell rings. Please send a note the day your student comes back from an absence.

6 Dress code No tank tops, spaghetti straps, or muscle shirts Shorts must be at mid-thigh No flip flops No head coverings (bandannas, scarves, hats) Please no sandals, there is lots of movement in music, PE, and at recess

7 Grading Period Klein elementary schools have a 9 week grading period. All academic grades are rated E+, E, S+, S, N, and U. Behavior grades are E, S, N, or U. Progress reports will go home in the middle of the 9 weeks,– please sign and return. Please keep the report cards at home and sign and return the cover. /sleeve.

8 Assessments Reading Assessments- September, January, and May. DRA-January and May. Math Benchmarks-3 times a year

9 Discipline See Klein Handbook and our classroom rules book. If students are reminded of the rules/procedures they must “reset” *If your child has 2 or more resets they will not receive a purple paw stamp in their folder. Parent Night October 29 th 6-7:30pm

10 PRIDE and POWER A program to increase student responsibility and build character. Team points are earned by good cafeteria behavior, PE/Music behavior, attendance, tardies, early dismissals, and homework turned in on time.

11 Daily Folder The Red Wolf folder comes home with your child every day and needs to be initialed and returned daily. Take out any work and other handouts daily.

12 Homework Reading (purple) folder will normally be sent home Monday and is due on Friday. Math paper in daily red folder is optional. Practice sight words. Please make flash cards using index cards. Please read with your child every night. Record book titles on Library reading log.

13 Homework, continued Reading Folders will normally come home on Mondays also and should be returned on Fridays. These are to be read by your child to you with your guidance. Please log it only ONCE.

14 Parent Help Be sure your child is rested and has eaten a good breakfast each day. Send folders back signed and papers taken out. Label everything –backpacks, lunchboxes, sweaters, etc. Help your child learn to be independent (dressing, tying shoes, PIN numbers, etc.)

15 Volunteers Tearing pages out of workbooks, stapling pages, cutting pages, etc. Reading in the Classroom Special class projects and activities Sign up through PTO

16 PTO Sign up! Join PTO! $10.00 per family Box Tops Contest – Please ask family and friends to save them for you. Spring Creek BBQ Night September 25 th Kindergarten Meet Greet September 30 th McDonalds 2920 and Kuykendahl

17 Contact Me acompton1@kleinisd.net 832-484-7545 832-484-7400 – main office line

18 P.S. If there is a change in the way your child is going home you must send a note or call the front office, otherwise I have to send them off the normal way.

19 Thank you so much for coming!!!!

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