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Welcome to first grade!. Handbooks Curriculum Handbook explains what your child will be learning this year (online) Lower School handbook (dress code)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to first grade!. Handbooks Curriculum Handbook explains what your child will be learning this year (online) Lower School handbook (dress code)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to first grade!

2 Handbooks Curriculum Handbook explains what your child will be learning this year (online) Lower School handbook (dress code) –No athletic shorts –No large graphics –No Girls wear shorts under their dresses Wear a long shirt or dress over leggings –Tennis shoes everyday

3 Snacks/Lunch Please send in a simple, healthy snack/drink that is easy to open and can be eaten in about 10 minutes. (please make sure items such as fruit are either peeled or cut up.) Snack should be packed separately from lunch (preferably a zip lock bag).

4 Turn a Frog Each child has 3 frogs-green, yellow, red. Give reminders –Turn a frog –Red frog = phone call to you. –If you receive a call, simply say, “we will discuss this tonight.”

5 Reading Log The reading log will be in the homework folder. Please fill it out each night and make sure your child reads with you for 15 minutes.

6 Specials Day 1- Art Day 2-Science Lab Day 3- Music Day 4- Spanish and Library (turn in library books) Day 5- Music/Computer Lab Day 6- Spanish PE – Monday-Friday

7 Homework/Blogs/ Remind 101 Homework for each week sent on Mondays –Spelling words for the week First Grade blog –Please make sure you subscribe! Class Blog –Please make sure you have subscribed Remind 101-used to send reminders

8 Field Trips Jordan Lake (October10)-Make paper and see how the environment changes Poe Center(February 13)-Dental/Nutrition Durant Nature Park(May 1)- Aquatic life at the pond North Regional Library (TBA)

9 Reading Balanced Literacy Program Reader’s Workshop The Daily 5 Children are working independently and reading “just right” books Literacy night on September 18 from 6:00-7:00pm

10 Writing Writer’s Workshop Learning to write a variety of genres Encourage your child to write at home Discuss with your child topics to write about during writing time

11 Math Everyday Math, problem solving, enrichment materials Home Links –Homework pages Family letter went home in the Daily Folder on Monday. –Letter at the end of each unit. –IXL/Lexia 15 minutes a week –**Dreambox

12 Handwriting Handwriting Without Tears Teaches children how to correctly make letters and numbers Teaches children how to correctly hold the pencil

13 Birthdays Please join your child for a special lunch in the cafeteria. We do not have birthday snacks in the classroom. Lunchtime is from 11:40-12:10

14 Conferences Progress Reports will be sent out at the end of each quarter. Conference dates: –November 6 – January 29 –April 1. –If you need to reschedule, let me know.

15 Volunteers Mystery Reader Coordinator –Friday 2:45-3:00 Lunch Saint Coordinator –Friday 11:40-12:45 Character Trait Reader Room Parents (2) –Special Parties-Holiday Luncheon, Valentine’s Breakfast, End of Year Ice Cream, Special Centers Library Volunteer

16 Absences/Trips Please send me an email if your child is going to be absent. Please email Robbin King or Sherry Addams if it is after 12:00 pm. Taking a trip - Journey Journal

17 Communication The best way to communicate with me is email. Phone-extension is 2593 Please contact me with any questions or concerns. It’s going to be a fantastic year!

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