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Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 2. twelve girls band Celine Dion.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 2. twelve girls band Celine Dion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Our hobbies Topic 2

2 twelve girls band

3 Celine Dion

4 She is going to give a concert.

5 Where is she going to give the concert? What time is it going to start? Is Jack going to the concert? Why? Answer the questions:

6 Where is she going to give the concert? What time is it going to start? Is Jack going to the concert? Why? At the Music Hall. At 7:30 p.m. No,he isn’t. Answer the questions:

7 concert go to a concert 去听音乐会 give / hold a concert 开音乐会 露天音乐会 an open-air concert 上星期天我们去音乐大厅听音乐会了. We _________________at the Music Hall yesterday. went to a concert 昨天甲壳虫乐队在音乐厅举办了一次音乐会. The Beatles __________________________ yesterday. gave a concert at the Music Hall

8 Language point: borrow lend borrow sth from sb lend sth to sb I borrowed a lot of books from Jim. Can you lend your bike to me?

9 Place:Da Qing Tie Ren’s Square Time:7:00 p.m. Nov.7th

10 twelve girls band

11 musical instrument

12 the violinthe piano the guitar the drums

13 flute harp accordion

14 Chinese violin Pi Pa waist drum saxophone

15 Ask and answer the following questions What musical instruments do you know? What kind of musical instrument can you play? Which do you want to learn, the piano or the guitar? Why? Are you going to learn the drums?

16 Violin 小提琴 Viola 中提琴 Cello 大提琴 Double bass 低音提琴或大贝司 flute 长笛 piccolo 短笛 clarinet 单簧管 oboe 双簧管 English horn 英国管

17 horn 或 French horn 圆号或法国圆号 trumpet 小号 cornet 短号 trombone 长号 tuba 大号 kettle drums 或 timpani 定音鼓 compane 排钟 glockenspiel 钟琴

18 bassoon 或 fogotto 大管 double bassoon 低音大管 harp 竖琴 piano 钢琴 guitar 吉他 mandolin 曼陀林 lute 鲁特琴 organ 风琴

19 xylophone 木琴 bass drum 大鼓 side drum 小鼓 cymbals 钹 gong 锣 triangl 三角铁 tambourine 铃鼓

20 See you tomorrow!

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