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Beginning an Industrial Revolution and a market Economy Made by Robert Reeves.

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1 Beginning an Industrial Revolution and a market Economy Made by Robert Reeves

2 Beginning an Industrial Revolution and a market Economy America was not the first place that started to industrialize, but as many people saw we were able to get many things by copying other things from other land such as the plow we saw it and were able to come up with a way to make it work better. Even thou we did not come up with many ideas, we did have many country's come to use with things that they invented and asked us to fix them and make them work better, such as apparatus.

3 Great Britain launches an Industrial Revolution Britain soon realized that they will not always be able to get materiel from us so they had to start working on find ways to make there own things.

4 Americans Innovators and Imitators Thomas Jefferson noted “ In Europe the object is to make the most of their land, labor being abundant; here it is to make the most of our labor, land being abundant” What does he mean by this? Well it can mean many things but to most it means that if we have the time, the ability with the resources that are needed we can do almost anything that we set out to do. We as Americans live in a country a with vast amount of knowledge that can be used for good and many people such as Jefferson realized this. Like you have already read we did not invent a lot of things we were better at fixing them and making them work better.

5 The factory system in New England In the 1900’s New England came out as the leader of the industrial revolution in the U.S.A, why was this?? Well most of it is due to it’s geography. New England location does not permit for farming the soil is to rocky, the weather also has an effect because it is never the same from day to day. Another thing that helped it become a leader of industry was it’s location on the sea shore, because of this they got to see all of the new things that are being made, which put them one step ahead of the rest of the U.S.A, there location also made it easer for people to buy there products.

6 Improving Transportation Better roads was only one thing that was done to help make traveling easer for the people that traveled. Other things that made transportation easer was the train, it made traveling faster and a lot easer. The only thing that was hard about this was finding people that hade the ability to make these kind of things, the other problem was finding the funds to back it up. Other things that were made in the U.S.A were stem boats, this made trade a whole lot easer for the people that were working on the ship it also made it easer and a lot faster, water ways also made in state traveling a lot easer and a hole lot faster and many people found that it was a lot easer to own a business on the shore of the ocean are on a lake that is used for transporting goods.

7 Railroads Like I have said that when the rail way first came up it was looked down on and many people thought that it would not work and that traveling on horse would still be faster and a lot easer. But many people found out that it would be easer to travel on the rail way and it would also be a lot cleaner to travel this way because you are in side of a cabin and not out side in the open were you have all of the dirt blowing in your face and all of the mud that is being tossed up by the horse

8 Steamboats Robert Fulton was the founder of the steamboat, his first invention looked like a monster it was 142 feet long which at this time was BIG most ships averaged about 80 feet long and about only about 6 feet wide. His invention was one of the biggest of the time period, he helped change the way that people went over the ocean, he also showed that it was possible to make many things move with the power of stem, stem ships soon piled all of the American ocean ways they played a big part in the modern way trade would be done. He showed that even thou he was looked down on he still went and did what he believed was right and showed that he was right that it would work.

9 Water ways At this time many people were trying to find other ways to move things and make traveling easer to do and with in this time some person came up with the idea that we can use a fake river but the question that was at hand was hoe would they make this fake river. This form of making fake rivers was known as a canal, as you may know now this was the fastest to move the things that needed to be moved.

10 The communication Revolution What was the communication Revolution?? Well it is when people started to find out that they can talk to each other from far away. The person that invented the first type of communication name was Samuel mores, like many other inventors he was not the best kid in school he messed around and just acted like a kid. But still he was able to invent something that would change the world from that day and forever.

11 Key Questions After the War of 1812, how did advancements in industrial technology affect life in the United States ? In the United States, why did manufacturing flourish in New England first in the early nineteenth-century Remember that this is only made to help you with the chapter not give you a full understanding of what is going on so read the chapter your self !!!!!

12 This was made by Robert Reeves All of the information that is in this slide show was gathered from the “The American Odyssey” text book No part of this may be used for any other purpose other then a study guide to help with this chapter.

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