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World History I Ms. Costas & Ms. Marino

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1 World History I Ms. Costas & Ms. Marino
ANCIENT ROME World History I Ms. Costas & Ms. Marino

2 EARLY ROMANS Etruscans Romulus and Remus Tribes of Italy before Romans
Influenced Romans Religion, Gov’t, Architecture, Arts Romulus and Remus Believed founders of Rome Grandsons of Etruscan king Romulus killed Remus Romulus = single ruler of Rome

3 SEVEN KINGS OF ROME Rome 1st was a monarchy
Monarchy = type of gov’t run by a single person, usually a hereditary position The Roman monarchy was unlike traditional monarchies Candidates were chosen Elected by the people Kingship was not a hereditary privilege Not necessary to be a true-blooded Roman Rome had 7 kings Good & Bad

After the last king, Superbus, Romans feared a leader with too much power They did not want 1 person to have all the control Abolished the monarchy Created idea of a consul Having two rulers share power Prevents one person from becoming too powerful End of the Roman monarchy for the rest of Roman history

5 ROMAN REPUBLIC In pairs/groups of 3 answer questions for the Roman Republic Presentation To get to the presentation… “Current Unit” Rome/Byzantine “Roman Republic Presentation” Use  and  to click through the presentation DO NOT use the mouse to scroll!

6 ROMAN REPUBLIC Designed to limit power of ruler 3 main branches
Consul Senate Assembly Both revolutionary and significant 1st time lower-class citizens had power Adopted by other countries Ex: US Constitution

7 ROME IN THE REPUBLIC Society Military Family = basic unit
Advancements in education Polytheistic Military More people = more land Legion = 5,000 common men Valued loyalty, courage, and authority Treated enemies justly Provinces = paid taxes

8 JULIUS CAESAR Joined military  moved up political ladder
Elected Consul in 59 B.C.E. and formed First Triumvirate Caesar, Crassus, Pompey Rome’s growth = constant war Battle for power Caesar vs. Pompey Caesar’s army brings down Pompey Caesar rules as dictator Conqueror, gave rights to plebs Assassinated March B.C.E. Senate was afraid he’d name himself king Ends republic  empire

9 PAX ROMANA 200 years of peace and prosperity What made it prosperous?
Free trade Booming economy Stable economy Use and exchange of luxury goods Safe travel Built roads and trade routes Brings exchange of culture Bread and Circuses Worked for a short time

10 Group 1  Life of Rich / Life of Poor
Group 2  Public Education / Entertainment Group 3  Family / Religion Group 4  Science & Engineering / Law Group 5  Architecture / Language & Literature

11 ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT Achievement in the arts Architecture Poetry History
Philosophy Art Architecture Aqueducts Columns Archways Stadiums Palaces Temples Represented the power of society

12 ROMAN ACHIEVEMENT Technology & Science Law Engineering
Roads, bridges, harbors Aqueducts Public baths Improved public health Encyclopedias Geography Law Established common principles “Innocent until proven guilty” Guilt established “clearer than daylight”

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