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A) Televisionsb) I-pods c) busesd) Basketball sneakers A basic business in an Economic system might make.

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Presentation on theme: "A) Televisionsb) I-pods c) busesd) Basketball sneakers A basic business in an Economic system might make."— Presentation transcript:

1 a) Televisionsb) I-pods c) busesd) Basketball sneakers A basic business in an Economic system might make

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4 a) Direct democracyb) communism c) Representative democracyd) monarchy A form of government in which People participate directly in The decision making

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7 a) government b) economy c) dictatorship d) capitalism A system of producing, distributing, Consuming, and owning goods, Services, and wealth.

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10 a) To protect their technology b) To save valuable traditions from being lost c) To create new inventionsd) To save their environments Why are people working to Save their own cultures

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13 a) Monarchyb) Acculturation c) Economyd) government The system that sets up and Enforces a society’s laws and Institutions is called a(n)

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16 a) Nuclear familyb) Urban Town c) Global villaged) Cultural landscape Communication around the World takes place quickly & Easily because we live in a

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19 a) Information overloadb) Cultural change c) Environmental changed) Technological change The worldwide concern about The environment that began in The 1950’s is an example of a(n)

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22 a) Representative democracyb) Oligarchy c) Direct democracyd) Acculturation A political system in which Citizens elect people to make Decisions for them

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25 a) Communismb) Socialism c) Capitalismd) Democracy An economic system in which Most basic & non basic industries Are privately owned.

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28 a) Ethicsb) Cultural Diffusion c) communismd) Acculturation The process of accepting, Borrowing, and exchanging Ideas among cultures.

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31 a) communism, socialism, & democracy b) monarchy, democracy, & oligarchy c) monarchy, dictatorship, & socialism d) acculturation, oligarchy, & monarchy Three examples of political Systems are.

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34 a) Goods & servicesb) Business & technology c) Computers & carsd) Hunting & gathering What are two types of products That can be found in ANY economy

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37 a) Their ancient historyb) What music they listen to c) Their family structured) What food they grow A change in the climate of a Place can change a culture by affecting

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40 a) dictatorshipb) Oligarchy c) monarchyd) Socialism A political system in which a King or queen rules a nation or government

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43 a) Cultural Diffusionb) Ethnocentrism c) Acculturationd) Cultural Landscape The movement of customs and Ideas from one culture to Another is known as

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46 a) Socialismb) Communism c) Oligarchyd) Capitalism An economic system in which The government owns all basic And non basic industries

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49 a) Remained the sameb) Slowed down c) Affected few peopled) Sped up As a result of recent tech- nological advancements, Cultural change has

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52 a) monarchyb) capitalism c) dictatorshipd) Oligarchy A ruler or leader who has complete Control over a country or government

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55 a) capitalism, democracy, & communismc) consumerism, monarchy, & socialism b) socialism, communism, & oligarchyd) capitalism, communism, & socialism Three examples basic Economic systems are

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58 a) Constitutionb) Habeas Corpus c) Amendmentd) Democracy A set of laws that define or Limit a governments power

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