What’s happening? 1967 Follow us: Facebook.com/Academic AdvisingCenter Twitter.com/utep_aac Instagram.com/utep_aac Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm Tel: 915.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s happening? 1967 Follow us: Facebook.com/Academic AdvisingCenter Twitter.com/utep_aac Instagram.com/utep_aac Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm Tel: 915."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s happening? 1967 Follow us: Facebook.com/Academic AdvisingCenter Twitter.com/utep_aac Instagram.com/utep_aac Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm Tel: 915 747-5290 Email: eadvise@utep.edu Academic Advising Center @UTEP_AAC ˑ June 26 #utepaac #utep #utepaac

2 Turn Off phone Thank you P L E A S E ! & put away

3 utep_aac The Academic Advising Center advises all student in the UTCAP Program. Students may visit an advisor on a walk in basis or by appointment Make sure to check your UTEP email often! Additional assistance provided at the AAC : Major Advising Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Advising Signing of Veteran’s Affairs Forms, Consortium Agreement Forms (EPCC/UTEP Dual Enrollment), Course Drop Forms and I-20 Letters

4 utep_aac Life Happens Resources Program Information Reference Guide Academic Standing Academic Policies Grade Replacement Course Placement/Schedule Building Guide Core Curriculum Building a Schedule Take 15! Come see us in October Advising

5 utep_aac You have family and/or medical issues? You have transportation issues? You feel your schoolwork is slipping? You start a new job or working full time? Answer: COME SEE YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR!!! What would you do if….

6 utep_aac Academic Advisor Campus Computer Labs Instructor/TA/Peer Leader Course Materials Syllabus (extra credit if available) Classmates UTEP Directory (www.utep.edu/search)www.utep.edu/search AAC Reference Guide (in your packet) Blackboard/Moodle

7 To disclose a physical, mental and/or learning disability please contact CASS Their office may be able to assist you or offer certain accommodations but you must contact them BEFORE classes begin to benefit from their services each semester Center for Accommodations and Support Services Union East Room 106 ~ 747-5148 www.sa.utep.edu/cass

8 Were you adopted? Were you ever in Foster Care or a dependent/ward of the court? Do you lack fixed, adequate or regular housing? Contact your FHAR advisor at the Academic Advising Center University of Texas at El Paso 915 -747- 5290

9 AAC UT Austin Homepage: http://www.utexas.edu/ Transfer Credit Evaluation: http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/ate/ http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/ate/ Degree plans: http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/ugdegrees.html http://www.utexas.edu/student/admissions/ugdegrees.html UTCAP information: http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/cap/ Credit by examination: http://ctl.utexas.edu/studenttesting/exams http://ctl.utexas.edu/studenttesting/exams

10 X X


12 State mandate designed to ensure students have basic academic skills to be successful in college Assess skills in math, writing, and reading prior to enrolling in college TAKS, STAAR, ACT, SATTSI Assessment TAKS, STAAR, ACT, SAT and TSI Assessment used to determine placement developmental courses Students who do not meet college-level score standards are required to enroll in developmental courses TSI Hold Developmental course placement = TSI Hold Passing a developmental course or placing into a college-level course in Math, Writing, and/or Reading will meet the TSI requirement for that section

13 TAKS English and Language Arts = ≥2200 & 3 or 4 essay Math = ≥2200 ACT Composite Score = ≥23 and English = ≥19 and/or Math = ≥19 SAT Total Scores = ≥1070 and Verbal = ≥500 and/or Math = ≥500 CPEN or CPMA College Preparatory English completion College Preparatory Math completion STAAR English III = Level 2  ≥2000 Algebra II = Level 2  ≥4000 Scores Expire 5 years from test date Must retest if scores expire and no course credit is earned Highest score determines course placement College Prep Course – Math & English Expires after 1 year from high school graduation

14 DE classes prepare students for college-level courses (MATH 0311 & ENGL 0312) Start with a ‘0’ (MATH 0311 & ENGL 0312) Do not count towards degree requirements or GPA Courses are worth 3 credit hours & impact part-time vs full time status Only an advisor can register students into these classes Enrollment is recommended every semester until complete Cannot drop DE courses without seeing advisor

15 MATH 1320 MATH 1319 STAT 1380 Math Options MATH 2301 MATH 1312 MATH 2313 MATH 1411 MATH 1508* MATH 1320 DE MATH 0311 (16 weeks) College Level Courses Developmental Courses OR ABE NCBM M031 (4 weeks)ABE MATH 0311 (12 weeks)

16 COMM 1611 Writing Options RWS 1302 RWS 1301 RWS 1601 DE ENGL 0312 (16 weeks) College Level Courses Developmental Courses OR ABE NCBE E021 (4 weeks)ABE ENGL 0312 (12 weeks)

17 SOCI 1301 PSYC 1301 Reading Intensive Options HIST 1301 POLS 2310 DE ENGL 0312 (16 weeks) College Level Courses Developmental Courses OR ABE NCBE E021 (4 weeks)ABE ENGL 0312 (12 weeks) HIST 1302 POLS 2311







24 utep_aac

25 42-semester credit hour core curriculum required Specific core courses required depending on major Must earn ‘C’ or better Texas Common Core – will transfer to any Texas public institution

26 This part of the presentation will help you through the advising process Take out your placement sheet Take out UTCAP curriculum sheet and UT degree plan Have a pencil or pen ready for note taking

27 6 credits total  RWS 1301 – Rhetoric and Composition I  RWS 1302 – Rhetoric and Composition II

28 3-5 credits (choice of one class depending on major)  MATH 1319 – Math in the Modern World  MATH 1508 – Pre-calculus  MATH 1411 – Calculus I  MATH 1312 – Calculus II  MATH 2313 – Calculus III  STAT 2480 – Statistical Methods

29 6 credits total – 2 lectures and 1 lab required  GEOG 1306  GEOL 1313  GEOL 1103  GEOL 1314  GEOL 1104  HSCI 2302  PHYS 1403  PHYS 1404  PHYS 2420  PHYS 2421  ANTH 1301  ASTR 1307  ASTR 1308  ASTR 1107  BIOL 1303  BIOL 1103  BIOL 1304  BIOL 1104  BIOL 1305  BIOL 1107  BIOL 1306  BIOL 1108  CHEM 1305  CHEM 1105  CHEM 1306  CHEM 1106 Physical Anthropology Elementary Astronomy Introductory/Human Biology General/Organismal Biology General Chemistry I & II Physical Geography Physical/Historical Geology Fund. Of Nutrition Introductory General Physics I & II Mechanics/ Electromagnetism

30 3 credits (choice of one class)  ENGL 2311 - British Literature to late 1700s  ENGL 2312 - British Literature late 1700s to present

31 3 credits (choice of one class)  ART 1300 – Art Appreciation  ARTH 1305 – History of World Art to 1500  ARTH 1306 – History of World Art since 1500  FILM 1390 – Introduction to the Art of Motion Picture  MUSL 1324 – Music in Western Societies  MUSL 1327 – Jazz to Rock  MUST 1311 – Music Fundamentals I  THEA 1313 - Introduction to Theatre Arts

32 6 credits (both classes are required)  HIST 1301 – History of the U.S. to 1865  HIST 1302 – History of the U.S. since 1865 These are reading intensive courses!

33 6 credits (both classes are required)  POLS 2310 – Introduction to Politics  POLS 2311 – American Government and Politics These are reading intensive courses!

34 3 credits (choice of one class)  ANTH 1302- Introduction to Cultural Anthropology  ECON 2303 - Principles of Economics  ECON 2304 - Principles of Economics  ANTH/ENGL/LING 2320 – Introduction to Linguistics  PSYC 1301- Introduction to Psychology  SOCI 1301- Introduction to Sociology  SOCI 1302 – Social Problems  SOCI 2315 - Sociology of Marriage and Family

35  ARAB 1501 – Arabic I  ARAB 1502 – Arabic II  ARAB 2401 – Arabic III  ARAB 2402 – Arabic IV  FREN 1301 – French I  FREN 1302 – French II  FREN 2301 – French III  FREN 2302 – French IV  GERM 1301 – German I  GERM 1302 – German II  GERM 2301 – German III  GERM 2302 – German IV  LATN 2303 – Latin I  LATN 2304 – Latin II  PORT 2301 – Portuguese I  PORT 2302 – Portuguese II  SPAN 1301 – Spanish I  SPAN 1302 – Spanish II  SPAN 2301 or SPAN 2303 – Spanish III  SPAN 2302 or SPAN 2304 – Spanish IV

36 Counts as elective credit for UT Austin degrees  UNIV 1301- Seminar Critical Inquiry

37 utep_aac The Big 2: English (RWS1301) and Math Follow the UTCAP curriculum and degree plan Enroll in 15 credit hours Pay Attention to class start dates Pay Attention to on-line, hybrid and lecture course formats Avoid time conflicts : work schedule and other outside responsibilities

38 utep_aac Course detail information is for illustration purposes only CRN Subject and Course Number CreditsDaysTime Building and Room Number 12295 RWS 13013TR TR 9:00-10:20 amLART 301 15698 ANTH 13013TR 10:30 – 11:50 amEDUC 201 14587 MATH 15085 MTWR12:00 – 12:50 pm EDUC 302 15789HIST 13013 MWF 10:00 – 10:50 amUGLC 206 16879 ART 13003 MWF11:00 – 11:50 am LARTS 209

39  Save money!  Graduate sooner and start your career more quickly!  Open your summers for internships and work.  Do you plan to work fewer than 20 hours?  Do you have reliable transportation?  Did you do well in high school? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, consider taking 15 credit hours each semester! Talk to your academic advisor for more information

40 utep_aac Are you pending any AP, Dual Credit, or IB course credit? Make note of possible courses for which you are pending credit DO NOT REGISTER for any of these courses or for any courses in the corresponding sequence

41 We start early October! :) Academic Advising Center Don’t forget to see us for advising for Spring 2016 Academic Advising Center Paydirt Pete When do you start to advise? Paydirt Pete Great! What are your office hrs.? Mon-Fri, 8:00-5:00 pm, our office number is 747-5290. Academic Advising Center You can also visit our website at www.utep.edu/advising to check out our monthly calendar! www.utep.edu/advising Paydirt Pete TTYL


43 List options for what you plan to major in


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