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Healthy Relationships Developing Communication Skills.

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1 Healthy Relationships Developing Communication Skills

2 Social Health “Your ability to get along with the people around you.”  People with good social health  Work well in groups  Know how to make & keep friends  Offer & get help when needed  Accept differences in others  Get along with family members  Meet people easily  Have at least 1-2 close friends  Accept others suggestions & ideas  Make friends with people of both sexes  Continue to take part even if there is disagreement

3 Relationships “ The connections you have with other people and groups in your life.”  Your social health tied directly to your relationships with other people  Based on how you relate to, act toward others  Life is full of relationships  Family  School  Community  Friends

4 Building Healthy Relationships  Not all relationships are the same but they should be as healthy as possible.  Three KEY skills for healthy relationships  Communication  Compromise  Cooperation

5 1. Communication Exchange of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs between two or more people.  Communications allows you:  Share your thoughts & feelings  Have a good time with people  Solve problems  Learn to work through disagreements

6 Three Types of Communication  1. Verbal-using words to express thoughts, ideas and beliefs.  2. Active Listening-hearing thinking about and responding to the other person.  3. Body Language-A from of nonverbal communication  90% of communication

7 2. Compromise Result of each person giving up something in order to reach a solution that satisfies everyone.  “Give and Take”  Compromise helps:  Relationships run smoothly  Leads to a positive action

8 3. Cooperation Working together for the good of all.  “Teamwork”  By cooperating you:  Reach a solution  Builds stronger relationships  Learn to work with and listen to others

9 Tolerance Accepting & respecting other people’s beliefs & customs  Tolerances helps you:  Understand everybody has right to express themselves  Recognize people are more alike than different  Get along with others  See generational gaps  Respect family members  Be considerate and polite-others & family

10 Refusal Skills  Communication strategies that help you say no effectively  How to say NO!  Be honest  Friendly & Polite  Match tone to the message  Use eye contact  Offer Alternative  Help You **Be true to yourself **Not feel guilty **Others will respect you

11 What group do you belong to?  Family  Class at school  Friends  A club  A team  Religious Group  Society  The health of a group depends on the social health of each of its members.

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