Social Groups 2+ people who identify and interact with one another.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Groups 2+ people who identify and interact with one another."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Groups 2+ people who identify and interact with one another

2 (Macionis, 2007) Stages of Group Development Forming –Regular interaction Storming –Chaotic vying for leadership Norming –Agreement of how the group will function Performing –Effective in meeting its objectives Adjourning –See you later

3 (Greene & Shepard, 2008) Types of Groups Primary –Face-to-face –Strong personal identity –Multifaceted relationships –Strong ties within the group Secondary –Limited interaction –Weak personal identity –Limited, shallow relationships –Weak ties within the group

4 (Greene & Shepard, 2008) Types of Groups Informal –Join by coincidence –Brief encounter Formal –Join for a specific goal –Task oriented

5 (Greene & Shepard, 2008) Nature of Social Groups Group Dynamics –Patterns of social interaction –Influenced by Group Size Leadership Style Conformity Group Decision Making

6 (Greene & Shepard, 2008) Group Dynamics Group Size –Dyad (2) Unstable Intense Relationships –Triad (3) and beyond More Stable Reduces Intense Relationships

7 (Macionis, 2007) Group Dynamics Leadership Style –Authoritarian –Democratic –Laissez-Faire

8 (Macionis, 2007) Group Dynamics Conformity –Positive Social Order –Negative Groupthink Blind Obedience Group Decision Making

9 References Greene W., Robert & Shepard M. Jon (2008). Sociology & You (2 nd Ed.). Columbus, Ohio: The McGraw-Hill Companies. Macionis J. John (2007). Sociology (11 th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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