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Group Work - at you table: 1. Choose one country and one human right that is not being fulfilled in that country; 2. Discuss and fill the matrix below;

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Presentation on theme: "Group Work - at you table: 1. Choose one country and one human right that is not being fulfilled in that country; 2. Discuss and fill the matrix below;"— Presentation transcript:


2 Group Work - at you table: 1. Choose one country and one human right that is not being fulfilled in that country; 2. Discuss and fill the matrix below; 3. Choose one rapporteur to report to the plenary. Rights Holder:Claim: According to National and/or International standards Current Status: What is the rights holder actually experiencing? Duty-bearer (1): Obligations: According to National and/or International standards Current Role: What is the duty bearer actually doing? Responsible Actor (1): Responsibilities: Defined in relation to the issue at hand and given the local situation Current Role: What is the specific actor actually doing?

3 HRBA to analysis in three steps Causality analysis 1 Role analysis 2 Capacity gap analysis 3 Why? Which rights are at stake? Who’s rights are implicated? Who has to do something about it? What do they need to take action? Assessment

4 Duty Bearers capacity elements: Can? - Knowledge -Resources (human, technical and financial) -Organizational challenges Want? -Responsibility/motivation /leadership Must? - Authority Rights-holders capacity elements: Can? - Knowledge - resources - individual abilities Want? - Security - motivation Enabling environment? - right to participate - Information - freedom of association and expression Step 3: Capacity Gap Analysis

5 Analysis of duty-bearers’capacity gaps Motivation (accountability) Does the duty bearer feel an obligation to perform the role according to the obligation? If not why not? Authority Does the duty bearer have the authority to perform the role according to the obligation? If no who does? Resources Does the duty bearer have human, organisational and financial resources to perform the role according to the obligation? If not, what’s missing? Understanding Does the rights-holder know that he or she has rights and can claim them? If not, why? Resources Does the rights-holder have the financial, technical and human resources to claim his or her rights? If not, why? Risks What risks might ensue the rights- holder from claiming his or her right? Analysis of rights-holders’capacity gaps

6 Understanding Does the rights-holder know that he or she has rights and can claim them? If not, why? Resources Does the rights-holder have the financial, technical and human resources to claim his or her rights? If not, why? Risks What risks might ensue the rights- holder from claiming his or her right?


8 Results-Based Management and the UNDAF Results Matrix

9 What is a Result ? A Result is change a describable or measurable change resulting from a cause-and effect relationship

10 Rights-based results Consider… –Whose rights are not being met? –Who has an obligation to act? –What do these people need to be able to act? (knowledge, skills, resources)

11 A Typology for RBM Impact Output Activity Poverty reduced in the poorest areas model business incubators operational in poorest provinces - Acquire facilities - Staff training - Micro-credit provision ResultsLike… Focus @ Timeframe <1 yr <5 yrs 5-10 yrs more less Collective Accountability Operational/ skills, abilities, products & services Human Outcome Local institutions provide employment and income generation opportunities Institutional/ Behavioural 5 yrs then if then

12 Food for thought: Attribution and Contribution Analysis Explores attribution by assessing the contribution to observed results Key Questions: Which links in the results chain are strong and weak? How credible is the attribution story overall? Do stakeholders agree with the story? Where are the main weaknesses in the story?

13 Indicators

14 Indicator A way to measure a result with the intention of gauging the performance of a programme –Specifies what is to be measured –Can be Qualitative or Quantitative –Does not indicate direction or change (i.e. a target) –Must have a baseline and target to be made meaningful –Can be verified, objectively

15 Baseline, Target, MoV Baseline –The status of the indicator at the beginning of a programme… a reference point to assess progress Target –The expected achievement (quantitative or qualitative) by the end of the programme or period Means of Verification (MoV) –The sources of information that inform baselines and measure targets.

16 Types of Indicators Quantitative (statistical measures): Number of Frequency of % of Ratio of Qualitative (judgments or perceptions): Alignment with Presence of Quality of Level of

17 Results Matrix


19 Formulating UNDAF Outcomes and their indicators

20 Link to rights-based causal analysis Outcomes are the improvement in the role performance of the duty- bearer and/or rights-holder. Outputs are changes in one or more elements (responsibility, authority, resources) of capacity that will fill the capacity gap.

21 Group Work At you table: Taking into account the unfulfilled Human Right that your group previously identified and the country analysis extract, formulate 1-2 potential outcomes you would propose to include in an UNDAF; Identify one or two corresponding indicators for each outcome; Write your outcome statements and related indicators on a flip chart.

22 Circulate throughout the room and visit other groups’ draft outcomes and indicator. On post-it notes provided, comment, pose questions, and make suggestions to draft outcomes and indicators. Silent Gallery Walk

23 What do you believe the statement should be? OR What do you like about this results statement and its indicators? What might make it even better? OR What concerns do you have about this statement and its indicators? Start your sentence with “My concern is how to…” or “The statement is missing…”

24 Refining results… To strengthen the capacity of civil servants to do X by undertaking Y,… The capacity of civil servants is strengthened to do X by undertaking Y,… The capacity of civil servants in the 4 poorest districts is strengthened to do X by undertaking Y,… The capacity of civil servants in the 4 poorest districts is strengthened to do X by undertaking Y,… Civil servants in the 4 poorest districts are better able to X Let’s use results language to emphasis the future condition we want to achieve. All civil servants, everywhere? Can you be more specific? Are there particularly weak or under- resourced civil servants we should emphasise? We can take out information that relates to either strategy or activities. Now, let’s try bringing the subject of change to the front, and shifting from passive to active language.

25 Typical pitfalls Wordy (..and no change language) To promote equitable economic development and democratic governance in accordance with international norms by strengthening national capacities at all levels and empowering citizens and increasing their participation in decision-making processes Too ambitious Strengthened rule of law, equal access to justice and the promotion of rights Containing multiple results The state improves its delivery of services and its protection of rights—with the involvement of civil society and in compliance with its international commitments

26 Typical pitfalls Wishy-washy, not a result (i.e. Support provided to improve..) Support to institutional capacity building for improved governance So general, they could mean anything To promote sustainable development and increase capacity at municipal level Overlapping with National goals/ MDGs (impacts) Substantially reduce the level of poverty and income inequality in accordance with the MDGs and PRSP

27 Group Work 2 In your group: Refine your outcome statements and indicators based on the comments and suggestions you received; Write each revised outcome statement and indicators on a flipchart paper; Choose a representative who will read the final outcome statements and indicators.

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