WELCOME! Year 1 Parent Info Night Monday 14 th June 2010 6:00 - 7:00 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! Year 1 Parent Info Night Monday 14 th June 2010 6:00 - 7:00 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! Year 1 Parent Info Night Monday 14 th June 2010 6:00 - 7:00 pm

2 Class resources - Stationery - Readers Expectations Snacks - Healthy - Allergies Personal items www.stuckonyou.biz

3 Lines of Communication

4 These things will happen: Someone will cut their hair. They will have toilet accidents. They will have paint and glue on their clothing. They may come home with stories that are not true! They will lose something.

5 These things will happen: They will make new friends. They will change friends. They will learn new things everyday. They will learn many new things everyday. They will have FUN!

6 Class Organization One class teacher One full time educational assistant 28 students Single Subject teachers: 1 x per week Music 1 x per week Art 2 x per week PE 5 x per week Chinese

7 Routines Drop off and pick up time and area Recess Lunch - School lunch programme - Home lunch

8 Induction Weeks: ( 19th August – 13 th of September 2010) Week 1 – Induction First day Thursday, 19 th of August. Induction morning, 9:00am – 12pm. Friday, 20 th half day, 8:30 – 12 pm. Week 2, 3 and 4 Half days 8:30 – 12 pm. 23rd of August - 30th of August As part of this orientation small groups of children will be asked to remain in school for one afternoon from the 25th to the 1st of September. They will participate in a variety of learning engagements which will assist us in developing a comprehensive profile of your child. Your child’s teacher will contact you during the induction week with details. 31st of August - 2nd of September Parents will be invited in to meet their child’s teacher for 10 minutes per family.

9 Daily Schedule

10 Studio Time Objectives: The children will: take some responsibility for selecting learning engagements; be able to learn through sensory experiences; have the opportunity to interact with other children from other Year 1 classes; explore and experiment with a variety of materials; be given opportunities to express themselves.

11 What to expect throughout the year Parent information sessions College wide newsletters Year 1 Bulletins Field trips Opportunities for reporting progress: - Curriculum Night - Parent/Teacher/Student conference - End of semester report - Student-led conference / Student portfolio

12 Reporting and Assessment Parent/Teacher/Student conference End of term reports Student led conference Portfolios

13 This Summer Read, read, read! Help your child practice independence Focus on dressing skills Focus on self-feeding Let your child pack their school bag and lunch box Toilet training complete

14 Thank you! See you in August!

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